Category Archives: Road of Hope

This is a series about people finding hope and heading down the road dedicated to second chances.

Road Of Hope – Episode Two


Robert Adam Wilson is an orphan, No one wants him. He had to watch his parents die from cancer. He had given up all hope on life and had tried to hurt himself several times.

It came to a point where he was traveling to a mental hospital for doing harm to himself. The way there was long and they hit several detours leading to a road called hope.

This was his last wish was to see his mom and dad and even being with them forever. He had no friends, they all thought he was weird. The tire and the radiator went out of nowhere. So they had a flat tire and smoking radiator that was leaking out of the car. They had pulled into the dinner.

Robert went into the diner without anyone noticing. This guy gave him a free milkshake and asked him a question.

“Why did you hurt yourself?”

He looked away. He looked down.

“Very well, Robert, I know you feel alone and you do not wanna live, but Robert there is always hope,”

He heard someone come in the door and the man was gone when he looked back.

It was the leader of the orphanage.

“Come the car is fixed, Robert,”

He nodded and walked through the threshold and that is when he disappeared, and he saw parents greeting him. He hugged them and they said.

“You can stay here in our arms,”


“Yes and you will start a new life, and a second chance to live, is that what you want?”


He was ten and he found himself crying. They created an alternate reality where they didn’t die of cancer and then forth Robert never forgot the road of hope. He never forgot his experience with the orphanage.

He lived his years serving the orphanage as a messenger of hope, always looking for that road, which he had been down. He was head of the orphanage.

He always told the children,

“never give up and never surrender!”

End of Episode Two

Road Of Hope – Episode One




Have you ever wonder what road you’re taking? Have you ever wanted a second chance?

It was a normal day Jesse was locked up behind bars for the murder of his father. This was something he would spend the rest of his life paying for. Every day was hell for him until he started a riot, that was when he had brushed up against the wrong person.

Prison Warden was mad and decided to transport him to a prison in las vegas. Jesse did not care. Jesse Rockwell thought his life was over.

The day came and the bus rolled up to him. Then one of the inmates bumped into him, and whispered,

“Never give up hope, Jesse,”

He was at first angry then he felt a calm come over him.

he got into the buss reluctantly, and found himself thinking about that inmate, he tried looking for him in the buss, he was nowhere to be found. He wished he never had killed his father, he wished for a second chance.

The buss took them to a detour and the detour took them to the road of called Hope. Which was a dead end and then the engine broke down.

Jesse was scared, he had learned that this was a bad situation, nearby was the highway but the guards were stuck with inmates and they were unpleased. The engine needed major repair. In fact, the engine was smoking like a mushroom cloud.

They took the inmates out because they were getting restless. All of them, every single one took advantage of this and headbutt the prison guard. The other one pulled out a gun but a wild raging man with a tear tattoo on his eye got the drop on them. He killed the guards.

He then spoke, “Where is Jesse Rockwell?”

They all looked at me being scared of getting shot.

this man took the keys from the guard and freed Jesse.

“This is your second chance,” and then he patted Jesse on his shoulder.

Jesse turned around and he found himself back in time the day before he killed his father.

“What the hell?” He looked down, he was wearing what he wore the day before he killed his father.  He ran inside his house, his mom was still there and he found everything was the same. He fell to his knees crying.

He felt like an ocean of pain was released, All that he did, he can undo. This was truly the hope he needed. He hugged his mom, he ran to find his father and hugged him.

“I’m sorry dad, I missed you so much,”

“Son, grab me a beer, out of the fridge, I think its time we talk about our relationship,”

That was when the feeling came back up. His dad cheated on his mom repeatedly and beat him and abuse him when he was young, but this time he realized, it wasn’t worth it, He was not worth going to jail for.

He grabbed the beer. His dad who abused his family started tearing up. He broke down and looked at his son and put his hand on his son’s knee and said,

“I am sorry,”

“I forgive you father but Honestly I don’t think I ever want to see you again”

Jesse walked out the front door. He never looked back.

He went searching for the road called hope and he never found it again but now he’s going from school to schools talking about forgiveness and wrote a self-help book called the Second Chance. He got a second chance and he never forgot that lesson of what prison brought. He never found the man that freed him again, He wanted to thank him.

End of Episode One