Category Archives: Lost Voyage of Ice Heart

Long ago a ship carrying gold and many riches was lost forever and stranded near a planet of unknown origin. Davidson captain of a little scavenger vessel gets stranded after finding the ship Ice heart that was stranded and end up on a quest to get off of the planet with his best companion Bolts.

Lost Voyage of the Ice Heart – Act III

Lost Voyage of Ice Heart – Act III

“So I’m stuck here on this planet ??”

“I have a whole life in space, in another world, another planet!”

The redhead spoke,

“As queen of the Eastern Star, Astral, there is the way, Among the ancient caverns that lay dormant below this planet is a scroll known as Gods Keeper, IT is said that it can trap the most powerful sentient being ever only one with a clean a heart and mind can wield it,”

Astral said.

Adrianna smiled at Davidson and bolts chuckled like a robot as both Adriana and Davidson flirted like two young teenage, heartthrobs.

All the women giggled and walked off.

Astral interrupted,

“If you’re looking for a way back you’ll have to travel to the caverns, which are full of evil wicked beast that lurk in the darkness. They are ruthless and ugly, worse that the hair on the back of your back. Its getting even worse the ugly mud and bloody creatures that lurk in that cavern ARE full of mud, blood, and even puke. ITs like a hell hole made from the garden of life,”

Bolts was shivering in fear behind Davidson.

“Well then will i see a reward if we do trap this god creature?”

“No. The reward is escaping without your head cut off. I’m sure Adriana wouldn’t like that but we cry everyday at that blasted siren song from our goddess, we just want to free her. It not right she has the right to live, love, and laugh. She deserves to be treated equally among all,”

“I agree but not sure I totally agree with the curse, my ships just wrecked, it can be fixed!”

“Well, its the only way okay?!”

“We must i do then?!” Davidson asked.

“There lay the golden heart. Our goddess, grows tired of crying but you must put the heart back into the god. You must get pass every creature and pull this off, For the body of kagi is in the back of the caverns with his heart laying far enough to not be able to reach be near enough to see. This is the travesty of our world,”

“Once we get to the back what are we going to do?”
“put the heart back into his flesh,”

“okay, How do we get there,”

Adrianna kissed him then gave him a compass.

“Follow the compass and that will lead you to the cave,”

she smiled at him. Davidson coughed and cleared his throat.

“Hmm, Thanks i gotta get going,”

They all laughed at him.

Davidson walked out and started heading away from there settlement. He opened the compass bolts followed.

“So where is this place?”

The compass lite up and showed an hologram with a point arrow pointing south the direction they were heading. Then, he walked What seemed like forever.

He then came across another encampment, Which was more hostile. There was many skulls and bones everywhere. They found themselves walked through what was an empty village. Then He heard a soft mature very charismatic voice come through the lush village.

“You must be the Heroine sent to break the curse?!”

“hello?!” Davidson yelled.

“Behind you! Davidson!” Bolts said.

Davidson turn around. There stood was an old witch, who looked like a Dirty old lady who never took a bath in her life. But she had glowing white eyes. She held a walking stick and looked at Davidson with speculation.

“You don’t seem like much?”

“Lady, I am not!” Davidson said.

“bad i hoped a better hero could save my daughter!”

She looked at him up and down.

“Ill just have to come with,”

“So your the mother of a goddess? you look like you’ve been rolling in mud?”

“Ah, I can make you into a toad if i wanted too!”

“OK! OK! Please don’t!”

“This is a strange planet, Defies the laws of physic all together,”

“There more the the heavens than just stars Davidson,”

“What is your name? lady?”

“Marzanna, goddess of magic, some say I’m the wise god some don’t,”

“Very well, Marzanna welcome to the team, that trying to leave this weird planet,”

“Bewared Bolts and Davidson, do not insult me, I do not take insult well!”

“Before we go you must promise that you will take Adriana with you,”

“I promise, Marzanna I will take her with me,”

“We must go then, Davidson,” Marzanna said.

“Anything to get home with a nice bowl of soup and nice bed to lay in,” Davidson said.

“Let s just go alright burning daylight, Captain” Marzanna said.

Bolts was scared of Marzanna pushed at Davidson. He opened the compass and it showed to go southwest. He started walking in that direction.

The next couple of hours were boring nothing to much happened beside singing which got on the nerves of everyone in the party but it kept them going. They sang pirate songs that were older than they were.

They got a point where area which was twenty feet from the caverns. It was nightfall. It clearly was in reach. but Marzanna stopped them.

“We are being hunted!” She said.

The giant Snaked that was very colorful but at the size of a huge battlecruiser came out of  hiding and Marzanna stopped it barley.

“Climbed the trees you two!!”

Davidson ran and climbed as fast as possible. Marzanna battle was epic, She fought with all her heart but come to find out the snake was her evil sister And she had to run also.

“Swing on the vines Davdison!! Quick”

You didnt have to tell him twice. He grabbed a thick strong vine and swung like a monkey. The beast snapped at Davidson and missed.

“That snake is fast,”

“Shes a bottomless pit and But give me some time I can get a spell to hurt her,”

The snake hissed.

Davidson was sweating like no tomorrow while being chased by a giant reptile.

“Hurry Marzanna!”

Marzanna was struggling to remember the swell when she finally did she jumped down from the trees.

“LESKO AREON!” Then the snake turned into stone.

With its last breathe, it entered the mind of both Marzanna and Davidson saying,

“I WILL BE BACK! You will not seen the last of Hazel,”

Davidson climbed down. panting.

“Jesus you guys have family issues!” Davidson said.

“You’re tell me, Holy smoke sister I never thought you could move like that. Now lets get doing Davidson!!”

“Bolts its safe now!!” Davidson yelled.

He came out  shaking then hit the snake Which did nothing but he went running towards Davidson.

They again had to make sure where to go. Davidson pulled out the compass and  it led them to the cavern again.

Davidson signed but the opened shut with a dground form the ground and walked out a very big, very boadly Ogre looking creature with glasses.

“You must prove your worth!” he said.

“OH for crying out loud, Can i just get a break?!”

End of ACT III

Lost Voyage of Ice Heart – Act II

When Davidson and Quantum Bolts entered Trance space, they found a desolate ship. And millions of unknown lights and Sounds that were of unknown origin. The Beautiful’s humanoid-like creature that sang and drifted around space like water in the sea. They could phase through anything and do everything that was impossible.

Davidson had his eye on the empty vessel. He didn’t care about them, the humanoids. Davidson wanted the gold. He boarded the ship and then heard creaking of the ship and the sound of a man crying in the background, the voices whispering in the spaceShip.

Visited the captain chambers, he found himself lost in a gold lust that was blinding. Then he heard a blast on his own scavenger ship. This made him run with gold and gems that was stashed in the captain room.

He made it back to his to find that warp drive damaged. Then he heard a sudden voice barrel through the void of space,

The ship was hit by an asteroid and sent to the closest planet. The vessel crashed on a nearby called isolation was full of life and beautiful shades of lush plants and trees. Bolts came out of the ship as a ball and reformed as a humanoid robot. Davidson came out wounded with a broken arm and scars. He had blood around his wounds and bolts had to hold on to him.
All sorts of creatures stirred in this lush jungle of vibrant colors and sounds. It was the fact that beautiful sentient females came to his aid. These were creatures that lived in the void of space and that of an Earth-like planet. There were several sights and sounds that were on the rock. Animals were treating the wind like water and birds like plankton.
These sentient females were beautiful in every way. Their hair was of many colors so much that it looked wild and free. He was entranced by these women, and they carried him to their local settlement. They took Quantum bolts too, and they flew to a tribal setting village with a ruined temple and craters that were set them by some sort of battle.
One blue haired female took hold of Davidson and carried him into a hut. She laid him down and looked into his eyes. He felt the love he never felt before. He had brown eyes and blue tattoos. Each tattoo covered his face and hands. They looked like Aztec tribal and Celtic tattoos mixed together in a new age way.
She leaned in and kissed him and deeply kissed him. He felt the deepest love he could ever feel. So much that his body healed. He was surrounded by beautiful girls that were loving and kind. He got up from his makeshift bed feeling like a million bucks.
A redhead came to him and spoke,
“We are the Called the Cresent madams, You and this blue-haired madam are in love, she chose you and will be your guardian,”
The blue haired madam spoke, “I am Adriana of the southern star, You are my new husband, I chose you.”
Davidson’ felt more love than anyone could ever imagine for this Adriana.
“I don’t know about marriage but maybe about dating,”
Then there was sobbing and screaming and howling like a banshee.
She screeched like a giant eagle. It was sound like a hurt god, almost like a crying child that had been gravely wounded. It was so gruesome that sadness filled the air and mist covered the atmosphere and it started to rain.
When it was over, it stopped raining. The mist dissipated and eventually, this girl ended it, and all that was left was sobbing herself into sleep.
“Adriana? Who or what was that?”
“That was our goddess, our leader. She was cursed by her father, and in turn, she stole his golden heart so that she would have leverage over her father, but he still curses captain glass of the ice heart. The one she truly loved. Then chained them separately, one in space while the other on this planet. She cursed golden heart to forever and ever to be separated from her father, Kagi,”
The red hair kicked talked again,
“The captain was murder by Kagi and our goddess, Claire of the northern star, eventually died herself of heartache, being as they are curse they return everyday day on the same time Screaming to be together but can never touch each other, or see or hear the other,”
“So Kagi curse this universe that whoever comes shall forever stay on this planet until the curse is lifted,”
This is the curse of captain glass of the lost voyage of Ice Heart.

End of Act II

Lost Voyage of Ice Heart

The Lost Voyage Of Ice Heart

In a dark time of discovery lies a darken, mysterious galaxy known as Trance Galaxy. This was an undisclosed part of the whole system of the Galaxy. Far, far, far, away from earth, this galaxy laid.
In this, the galaxy was ancient creatures for whom are magnificent, benevolent and loving animals. They’re not of the collection of the universe nor earth. These beings can exist in any harsh condition even space. They were vast and many. They called themselves virgii which sky seekers in English.
They had one ruler who was a boundless master who was from mysterious origins. They called him Kagi, not of this world and not from it, he everywhere and everything.
It was the year that this galaxy would be discovered by humans, two thousand years of the future where humans were exploring the galaxy, a ship known as the ice heart came across these small corners of the collection of universes or galaxies. Ice Heart and the crew aboard were being chased down by the long arm of the law and was forced to warp through a wormhole and come out at the Trance Galaxy.
It was said that it was bearing gold that was thicker than blood, but no international spy would go into this galaxy, and so the ship disappeared.
It wasn’t until two hundred years later that a scavenger name Davidson and his sidekick Quantum Bolt’s journey and braved it out into the unknown frontier, that is when the story,  would unfold.