Category Archives: INACTIVE STORIES

OLD POST that I no longer edit nor keep up!

Drugan Star – Chapter three

   Chapter Three – Artifact

Veros feed off of the war, he became stronger every day and caused pain and torment wherever he goes. His touch decayed even the most indestructible object in the world. Even the beautiful fell to his touch.

Ceres, killed, and leaf was left. She eventually died herself. One wayward warrior that was human and God, made in the image of a race yet to be known to the world went out into the universe searching fro an answer. He goal ton resurrect the Drugan star. He had been dormant for millions of years.

This war destroyed several galaxies. Titans were dying left and right. It was odd ever to see a real human immersed into the world without the knowledge of the race.

His name, this human, was called Xerion the god virtue and justice. Not only was he righteous he was humble.

This wayward god and warrior went hunting lead to finding some artifact, to cause a rebirth. This object was called Xerrox Bane, or in the Titans language means an end to evil. Some even say its call rebirth of the universe. Xerrox is a powerful word in the Titans language. It meant a lot of things.

Xerion was not treading down an easy path. It was not smooth sailing. Xerion met many challenges. The one especially was taking on ten thousand Titans and four gods.

The world was a mess it had several gods and giants. Xerion grew sick of the world around him and was mourning the loss of drugan. Xerion was powerful and with his power, he tore a scar through the cosmos.

The origins of all gods and titans was a mystery. They could withstand the vacuum of space and the gravity of big planets.

Xerion found himself in one battle to teleported to the dead body of Ceres and Leaf. He brought them back to life, and they took to  a planet called Steren V. Where they would be safe. He vanished and found himself lost again. He found a ruins where he found writings depicting where the artifact. That was then when VEROS appeared. In this moment was the final battle for the domination of the universe.

“Die well… enemy,” Xerion said.

“fool!” veros said.

End of chapter three


Reality Rift – Part one

              Rift Through Me

The spire of fate was of evil descent. The black sword was born from the spire of fate. The reign of the spire and the ruler Xon the Sorcerer Governed over the earth and several realms for a millennium. The spire had rifted the realms and made them into one even the dead were roaming among the living and the strange. All bowed before the empire of blood. They were a million strong in their forces. The black sword was recruiting anything they could find human or not and in turn, they forced them into the militia.

It came down to an army of men and women with incredible power and skill to defeat the blood empire. They were called the Feathers of might. For ten days the battles went on until the strongest of these mighty heroes stormed the Spire and made their way to the top. There they faced Xon and Xon had a medallion called the reality breaker.

Xon was unstoppable.No one of the heroes could touch him. He came down to the wire and then the one thing Xon didn’t count on in a twist of fate His loyal student stabbed him in his back. The medallion fell into his student’s hands, and he broke it then said.

“I wish their peace for all the world’s not asunder nor more!” Then he disappeared, and the spire fell into the hole and crumbled in its wake. The heroes that fought for the Feathers of might found themselves home to the world without a spire, Xon, and the black sword.

The medallion, however, founds its place on earth buried under thousands and thousands of feet of dirt far away from anyone.

It was peace for year and years until…


august 19, 2015,

A team of archaeologist showed up in Arizona, Sonora Desert. It was a hot day and full of

snakes and lizards. These were the typical day in the wilderness. Dr. Philip Marck and his team of

archaeologist and Dr. John  Brie and his son Morrow. He had brought his son thinking it was safe to dig with him. Morrow Brie was very smart and always loved adventuring with his father. Morrow was about fifteen. Dr Brie, who was an archaeologist.

They were at a dig site where Dr. Marck the head of the expedition lead them to the dig site. He was always carrying a suspicious book. The book read on the cover;

blitz stunt Tenebrae” it was a quite thick book. No one dared to go near it because Dr Marck was over protective of it and the book never left his side.

 The dig site, packed. Every day  Dr. Marck questioned about what he was digging for, but somehow he kept it going saying,

“The artifacts are deeper in the earth, Trust me!” He’d always convince them otherwise. For the most part, he funded the Expedition. He promised the workers gold and vast riches.

It took him weeks and months to dig deep enough until somehow they found the medallion. They had dug deep sufficient to bury a hundred men. One of the workers who never got paid picked up. Marck snatches it out of his hand and with a twisted evil smile on his face, and he rubbed the half broken medallion. He then spoke Latin for Forgive the darkness expel the light.

And then Morrow and his father witness reality breaking and Xon born again from the darkness. The breaking of reality took both Morrow and his father to a dark place where no one can find them.


Reality Rift – Part two

                    The Mine

When Morrow woke up, it was pitch black. He felt like he was winded. He seemed shaken.

As he got up, he said,
“Oh, my ribs!”

He looked around.

“Dad! Where are you?!”

He couldn’t see anything in the darkness.

“DAD?!” He screamed.

He heard groaning.

“WHAT?!” his dad said.

“Where are you??! I can’t see a thing!”

“Here I have a lighter,” he said

He pulled out his lighter. He lit it.

It felt damp and cold. He looked over at his son. He was okay. He got up, and they hugged each other.

“I’m glad your okay, son,” Dr. Brie said.

The both wore glasses prescription glasses. You couldn’t see much in the dark.

“Its cold and dark in here dad,” Morrow was shaking. Dr. Brie was a handsome and brilliant man. He wore clothes that made him a rugged outdoorsman, but he was a sophisticated older gentleman. He was in his fifties. He had lost his wife a long time ago, but that’s another story. He wondered off toward something he saw on the wall given that he was using his lighter.

He got to the cave wall and noticed old burning oil running down the wall connected to the torches. He l the oil and a chain reaction took place. Light entered the room, and it was a mine. They were at the very top of a stone staircase with the wooden high rise on the walls. There were chiseled faces that look like dwarves and statues that seem like mighty dwarves. Dr. Brie grabbed the torch and went to the edge of the staircase. He looked down.

“is that what I think it is?! Come morrow! You’ve got to see this!”

Morrow Brie looked down and saw a pile twenty feet tall of gold, rubies and diamonds, and the rares collection of priceless objects that would fetch a pretty penny. They were in shock. They started running down the stairs. That’s when Morrow stepped on a release door trap. At that moment, four or five doors were opened, and this wrenched half dead, or ghostly creatures came out. They looked like something had drained them of all colors. At the very top, a release came out, and a huge winged serpent reared his head at them.

“Is that a dragon?!!” Morrow said.

“SON ITS TIME TO GO! RUN!” Dr. Brie said.

Hey ran as fast as they could down the staircase while the dragon wrecks the states and the stairs. He breathes fire on the ghostly ghouls who were chasing them as quickly as they could.When t hey made it to the bottom they found a dead end.

They were about to get eaten by a dragon and wicked foul Ghouls who were drooling down their lips. They were ravenous and probably hadn’t eaten for centuries.

“What do we do now?” Morrow asked.

Dr. Brie looked around at the treasure he had a split second before they were on him. They got closer to the treasure, and the ghost started backing away and hissing. The dragon got loose and devoured these ghouls. They went running back and to everyone surprise there on top of the dragon was a dwarf! A real Dwarf!

As he used the dragon to fight off the horde of ghoul, he screamed out.

“I’ll save you, lass!”

When the ghouls were all gone, and he was satisfied with his heroic deed. HE slew the dragon with his giant sword stabbing his neck. They crashed down the stairs and into the pile of priceless items that were worth millions of gold. The crafty dwarf jumped out and cried.


“WHY are you here in my mine? huh?! you lucky I was in a happy mood just had some rum and I’m feeling frisky,”

“MY name is Morrow, and this is my dad Dr. Brie.”

“Bah, all I care about is if you’re here to take my precious treasure? Are you? Lass?”

“If so I’m obligated to kill ya!”

“Wait! Wait! We are innocence; I swear,” Morrow said.

“We are not here to your treasure, we woke up here against our will,” Dr. Brie said.

Dwarf gave them the crazy eye.

“I can usually tell when a man is lying. But you Lass are not lying.”

“Welcome to the mine of Edgar Nightbane ruler of the Ancient dwarves,”

“Well Edgar, what should we do? since your not going to kill us?”

“I know this place inside and out, and since you woke me up from my  slumber I guess ill help…”

This dwarf was very much a warrior with Sliver armor packed to his rim and white cloth which made him distinguished. He wore no helm, and he was bald. He had shiny red rosy cheeks and braided facial hair. He smile would brighten the room, but his eyes gave you a the stink eye or look at you very suspiciously as though he could read your mind. He had a few grey hairs.

“First and foremost though see hat rounded stone sticking of the wall behind you?”

They turn around and saw the stone They had to look down it was short enough for a dwarf and it the dwarf told them to press it.

Morrow pushed it, and a section of the wall slide up, and there was a hallway. The hall was vast and narrow, and there seems no end to it. The torches lit up down the hallway. Marrow and his father just stared down the hallway in awe.

“Well, just stare at it why don’t you ladies?”

Edgar made his way down the hall grumbling and mumbling about the two dumb humans who ruins his sleep.

He looked back and looked at them.

“Aren’t you freggin’ coming? You two?! don’t tell me you both daft! Come one now! I don’t bite!”

They had to duck to get into the hallway. Then they walked down the hall.

“So you two how did you two get here?” Edgar asked.

“Well…. Edgar, we were looking for artifacts and our expedition came across a medallion. Our lead archaeologist snatched it, and we found ourselves here,” Dr. Brie said.

“Medallion? You say? Let me ponder this! No speaking until we find a way out,” The dwarf said.

The dwarf looked like a mumbling buffoon as he went on down the hallway. They walked down this hallway for good twenty minutes. That was when we came to another dead end.

Edgar was bit perplexed.
“This is not supposed to be here. I never saw this wall before,”

“Great! What do we do now?!” Said Dr. Brie.

“You two wouldn’t have caught a glimpse of the medallion?”

“I did!” Morrow said.

“What did it look like, lass?” Edgar asked.

“there was a black orb in the middle of the frame, and the frame was half broken,”

“Indeed. I’m not sure but I think that medallion is a key to this whole thing, me waking up, this wall being here, and You guys stuck here,” Edgar said.

“But how does that solve our dilemma we don’t wanna be here anymore!”

“Let me think, Lass,” Edgar said.

Edgar sat on the floor.. thinking. That was when a portal appeared that was the color of a black hole, and a white feather came out of it. Then a note. Edgar picked up the bill and feather.

“King Edgar of the red stone dwarves,

go through the portal and follow the feathers.

For the might of the wings!”

Edgar dropped the note.

“SO how do we enter this portal?! Blasted freggin thing,” Edgar said

The portal started changing, and it starts pulling all three of them into the portal. All three of them tried to resist, but the force was too powerful and got swept into the portal.

When they came to again, the torch was out, and it was dark and, even more, damp.

Morrow Brie groaned, “not again!”

His dad lit the torch again, and Edgar was out cold.

“EDGAR!” they both said.

“No mother I don’t want to drink ale right now it’s beddy by time,” Edgar said as he rolled over on the ground.
Morrow shook Edgar, and he woke up. He was bit grumpy, but nevertheless, he got up.

“Blasted to hell, Where are we now?”

Dr. Brie and Edgar walked to the closest wall.

Again they lit the room with the oil.

Edgar took a good look at his architecture.

“YEP! Laddies! We are still in the mine, and it seem that both my mine and someone else tomb is here too!”

“That’s just great!” Dr. Brie said.

“Awe, don’t worry laddie. I did put any trap’s here…. I don’t think,” Edgar said.

Edgar walked down the cave and found statues of white feather birds. After walking a while, he came across a feather, a white feather.

“Blast, That note said to follow the feathers, perhaps we should?” Edgar said.

“I’d do anything to get out of this dreadful place, Edgar,” Morrow said.

his father seems excited about the culture.

“perhaps. Edgar, you could tell me about the dwarven culture? When we get out of here?”

“Of course, umm?-
“I’m Dr. Brie, and this is my son Morrow,” The doctor said.

“Well, in any case, I will, but we have to get out of here first,” Edgar said.

“We are no longer in my Grand mine, but in some tomb.”

When Edgar took another step. He stepped on a boobie trap. Walls in the back and front of them came down, and portals opened that were blue and black came out of nowhere with dark reavers that were spiritual being with the ability to kill. All three of them were surrounded by at least forty of them. Edgar drew his sword.

“We Fight, or we die!”

End of part two







Drugan Star – Chapter one

The world was scared by the war of the titans. For thousands of years, the universe was in chaos. There was millions of Titans. These titans were in Millions. Each and every one of them was tearing up the world. They were destroying planets killing stars and leaving a destructive path in their wake. The world was crying in pain.

There was a star that was called The Drugan Star. This star was dying, and so the]is star became a stone. Legend and prophecy foretold of stone that would either kill all creation or united the universe and no long be titans but mortal beings. It was the only answer to this titan war and the warlords.

The Star died and was born again as a child that was like us(human). His name was Flux. He found by the Drugan earth titan name Ceres who was the guardian of the planet Drugan v. This was a planet that was nothing but trees and hills and wildlife. Ceres slept under trees and sat in a giant rocking chair he built himself, and he smokes an ancient pipe. He presented himself as down to earth, kind, and gentle creature. Al he wanted to do was sat and smoke his pipe. He never fought in the war nor did he want to. He loves to play with the wildlife, and he ate the plants around him. In irony though his area of the world was the only perfect spot on the whole planet. It was hard for Ceres to accept so he ignored the war and somehow he manage to cast a spell to protect his home, well at least that area.

The child Sought him out. He was sitting smoking his pipe. Flux went up to him.

“Excuse me, cares..”

The young mortal startled Ceres.

“Huh? Who’s there? Who disturbed the humble Ceres?!”

He looks down and to the left. They were both by a tree, in the shade. The child was exposed. He had black hair and teal eyes. On his heart was a crystal that was round and covered a small portion of the heart. You couldn’t see through it, but it was reflective. The Titan made of grass, stone and moss. He had living animals that existed inside him. His beard made from bark and branches.  His body were built into squares and rectangles. He looked like someone freshly cut him into stone that connected to each other.

“I am the star’s that comes in night to steal the day,” The child said.

He looked down at the child.

“Drugan??! The famous star! By the stars,” He took a hard swallow. The got out of his chair. He knelt down before this child and proclaimed him Lord.

“Rise, Titan, No need for that,” The child said.

“Child of the forgotten age, son of the universe yet father too, is it time?” Ceres asked.

“Titan, the trial has begun,” Child said.

“Drugan, Have you chosen me?”

“Yes, Ceres! You have done well with guarding the planet.I need a disguise and place to grow like your plants. I need fertilization,”

“Ceres you are wise and humble beyond your years. You will keep me safe until they come for me. Like the crops that you grow and the land that you protect, i will prosper here,”

“Very well, Lord Drugan!” Ceres was sweating.and nervous then it hit him.

“I got to make room for you! Excuse me!” He bowed his head.

He got up and ran to the hut which was huge and started cleaning.

“CERES! You are a TITAN! USE Your MAGIC!” Drugan yelled at Ceres.

“Very well…. ” Ceres said.

“I summon the power of the earth and the moon bring me a house and a broom!” Ceres said.

The hut turned into a house, and soon it cleaned itself. It was now a two-story building. It was a very neat and humble place. It had a red roof and a window at the top for Drugan. It was enormous and big enough for both him and Ceres. It would last them for very long time.

Good ole’ Ceres was being a hard worker, and he had a brook in his hand sweeping the ground. He was whistling, and he had his pipe put away.

Drugan walked into the house and sat on the small bed that came with the expansion of the house. Ceres sat with him. It w2as like a human with a mouse. He sat there with his pipe after he got done cleaning. He hummed a song about the battle of the eclipse. He seems quite content.

“Ceres when I was the star I saw many greatny battles. I saw you through time and space as a warrior for the weaker more defenseless beings. I remember how it scared your Ceres… I could feel your pain after you failed to protect the ones you those poor creatures, Those poor defenseless sentient beings. I felt their deaths, and I knew their pain.”

“Why, do you this up? Lord Drugan?!”

“I see that it stirs your heart, good. I wanted to show you Ceres the reason I chose you,” Drugan said.

Drugan got to thinking about it. His heart ached but nevertheless he spoke.

“If indeed, you chose me because of my past then please let us not talk about that time in particular. They were my children,” Ceres said.

“Then Titan! hear my story,”

“When I was born, three hundred million years ago. There was a true god who was dying as he gripped on his last day. He created this universe out of his corpse. That is how the Titans came to be. It was how I was born. The enigma is that somehow prophet foretold my arrival. Along with many other things indicated that this world had a plan. Somehow, this being is dead. This God is gone! How is this possible?” Drugan said.

“Lord Drugan, Why do you toy with me?”

“To make idle conversation, Ceres. So, Protector what happened to the rest of the planet?”

“Don’t you know?! Didn’t you feel it, Drugan?! The power of the titans trying to destroy my legacy?!”

“This is what make you strong Ceres! You single handily took on twenty Titans in the battle of the Guardian,”

“I have scars Lord Drugan, let me heal!”

“BUT indeed, you defeated them only for your only child to die protecting the land that was rightfully yours.”

“My Daughter of my flesh… ”

“How did she die, Ceres?”

“Many, many more titans came and overwhelmed us, they took my little girl “Leaf” and torn her to pieces while I stayed and watched. I then was helpless to do anything about the planet…”

“This is why I have chosen you Ceres, You know pain and so you know the world which is in agony,”

“They scared my land, and I had to save it from nothing and grow it into something. I have sworn off fighting forever.”

Ceres looked to the corner of the ceiling choking. She was my only flesh. A tear came down his face.

“Many wars, many sacrifices and they all end in a hell that no one can escape. It is my prison.”

Drugan seemed cruel to him, but there was a reason for it. He walked up to Ceres and touched his giant foot. Ceres saw his daughter once more in his mind. He almost feels her presence. He could almost wrap his arm around her and hold her tightly. He started crying.

“Ceres, I can do one more thing for you! I know I seem cruel, but you are one of the strongest Titans out theirs. I will bring Leaf back from the dead.”

Drugan closed his eyes and started whispering. A portal came through to that world.11

“Come Leaf it is your time to return to this world, your father needs you,”

A child of Titans came out of the portal. She was as big as half of what Ceres was, and she was like Ceres but smaller.

“it is done!” Drugan said.

“PAPA!” Leaf said, and she ran to him.

He was overwhelmed with grief, anger and emotion. He was so busy crying that it almost flooded the whole house.

She hugged him and said “Don’t cry, daddy! I’m home!” He grabbed her and hold her tight as a lake of tears came out of his eyes.

“So it is, Ceres the little protector. You are now my protector, don’t forget that!”

“AND you have seventeen years, and then I will reward you once more to live with me in the Halls of Gods!”

End of chapter one



Echo – Chapter one

Chapter One: The Crystal Ball

Peer into the void as the Crystallic(Crystal-lick) wanders in space for no one to see but the crew. It was the year 2200, and man had run out of energy sources. The power needs to fuel machinery and ships. The earth united, and there was a Federation of Earth. Jason, captain of the Cyrstallic was a Physicist with many Degrees.

His crew and he was working on a project involving a new power source. A potential energy source found on a distant planet. It was a huge Crystal that welded with dark matter. It was the color purple, and it didn’t seem to act like normal dark matter. Nevertheless, It seems to have the potential for a significant source of power. It contained within the containment field.

This vessel was a research ship. It had a main room for examining called the hour-glass. It had quarters for patients who were close to the crystal but in safe distances. There was an observing area in the hour-glass. This area was overlooking the floor of the hour-glass. It had stairs that lead to the floor on both sides of the observing area. A sliding door leading into the watching area and the same across the room. In the middle was the crystal to the right side, there were the patient quarters. The stairs were on both sides of the observing area. The hour-glass was around a room.

Jason was watching and staring into the crystal. He fixated on it. It memorized him. Jason was darkly dressed. He had glasses on, and he walked tall.  He stood there in his beautiful leather clothing watching as they took note and went around like busy ants. He smiled at them.

A little girl’s voice came out of nowhere. “Mr. Jason, can we play a game?”

“Not now crystal… I have significant things-to-do.”

Crystal was the ship’s avatar. She was a hologram, and she aged like humans but when she turned twenty-one years, she would stop aging. She was, at least, seven years old.  She had glasses and long brown hair with her teddy bear. She spoke again,

“Marvin wants to see you, in his quarter.”

“Very well, tell him I will see him,” He said

“Yes Mr. Jason,” She said and disappeared.

After few more minutes of staring into the crystal, he made his way to the stairs into the hour-glass floor. He nodded at a few people and even waved at the couple of them. He came to the Radiation Protection Door which keeps the patients safe at the crystal just in case it losing its containment. He swiped his ID card which he had in his pocket. The doors opened. He walked in. The quarters were like prison cells. They were small and not well kept. He walked two doors down a narrow hallway then turn left. He again pulled out his id and swiped the door and inside, there was Marvin.

Marvin was a heavy-set man with a full beard and wisdom of the wisest. He was wearing a white tee-shirt and white trousers. He had black hair and blue eyes. Unlike Jason, who had brown hair and brown eyes.

“Why cousin! You are finally decided to see me!” Marvin said.

“Yes, I figured it was time to see you,” Jason said.

“Yes, yes. I got some things to tell you… cousin” Marvin said.

“And what is it?” Jason asked.

“I got to say I do not like these living arrangements, can’t you do something about them cousin?” Marvin asked.

“Afraid not Marvin. We do not have enough room,” Jason said.

“To hell with the others!”  Marvin said.

“I hate this place,”  Marvin said.

“You have to stay, Marvin,  That crystal is hurting you,” Jason said.

“I know,” Marvin said.

“That’s why we are studying the effects that this crystal has on humans,” Jason said.

“But what if it does something terrible to them? What if it twisted their minds and shaped their concepts into the twisted vision? What if it Breaks the whole fabric of time and space? What if we all die?” Marvin asked critically.

“A gambling man never wins without taking a risk,” Jason said.

“And besides Marvin, nothing bad is going to happen,” Jason said with reassurance.

“Famous last words…” Marvin said.

“Humans are experimenting on to see if they can become superhuman, well that’s playing with fire and not to mention that Crystal is the abomination. And if you continue down this road, down this dark path, it won’t end well,” Marvin said.

“And cousin I see a great darkness coming, and it shrouds the ship, and it scares me,” Marvin said.

“Whatever, Everything’s going to be okay Marvin,” Jason said

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Marvin said.

“So besides that what did you want?” Jason asked.

“A way out of here…” Marvin said.

“I’ll see what I can do, Marvin,” Jason said.

“In the meantime I need to do some things,” Jason said.

“Very well…” Marvin said.

They said good-bye and Jason headed for the stairs that lead to the balcony in the hour glass. He went through the door. He walked to the elevator and headed to his quarters. He came to the top floor. He walked out, and there was only one door. He had a hallway to himself and a room of his own. He swiped his card and walked in. He jumped on his bed and relaxed.

The room was small close quarters. He had at bed, which was right in front of his door. He had at dressers built against the wall. He had a T.V. on the at the foot of his bed but mounted on the wall. He had pictures of himself and pets. He had many awards and trophies.

After a few minutes, he started dozing off when he heard crystal voice,

“Mr. Jason we have a called from the Federation of Earth.”

He got up and sighed. He then spoke;

“I’ll take the call here, on the monitor.”

The TV acted as a screen and had built-in cameras.

The screen came on. It was General Savar(Sa-var). This man stout and the muscular gray-haired man with many medals and badges on his uniform. He was in a red army uniform. His hair was soft and brittle. He looked disturbed, something bothering him.

“Ah, General Savar. Why have you called?” Jason asked.

“Jason, we have a major problem,” Savar said.

“What’s wrong?” Jason asked.

“There’s  a massive army of creatures that I’ve never seen before. They are attacking Earth!  People are dying left and right. All the Federation is dying.”

“We don’t have much time; I’ve learned there heading in your direction…” Savar said.

Before he could say anything else, his face turned pale.

“AHHHH!” There was a sheer terror in his eyes when he screamed. The screen turned to static.

“General Savar! General Savar are you there?” Jason asked.

The screen came back on. On the screen was a hideous beast who was built like a spider and had a misshapen human-like face showed up on the screen. It had been glowing a dark mist around it, and it was the worse thing anyone could ever see. Every second it cocked its head and twitched like an owl or a bird.

The voice was very much high-pitched but creepy. It would make you ill.

“I’ve come for you, Jason…” It said hissing.

“What-What are you?”

Jason’s face was pale, and he backed away from the TV scared.

A loud wail that mixed with a roar was shouted out, and the TV cracked. The lights even flickered. Jason scared for his life ran towards the door and tried to swipe his card, but it wouldn’t work. After a few moments of doing this he kicks the door(still nothing happened).

The lights went out. It was dark, but Crystal spoke:

“Turning on auxiliary power.”

A dim light came on. Then Jason heard crystal say.

“Intruder alert!! Incoming foreign organism.”

He hears a high pitch haunting voice. It was a sickening, disturbing sound.

“Fear, fear, fear me yet… I’ve come to bring you death in red,

Fear, fear, fear me yet! I’ve come to slice your head in bed.”  The voice whispered into the soft years of Jason.

“Crystal! What’s going on?” Jason asked.

No answer.

“Crystal!! Crystal!!” Jason yelled, but nothing happened.

The voice spoke again;

“Can you hear the dead? Listen to me being fed.”

Suddenly, Jason heard screaming and crying and horror of the utmost worse kind. He heard them screaming his name. He grabbed his ears and shook his head as though he was trying to block out the horrific sounds.

“Make it stopped!!” he said.

“Fear, fear, fear me yet! I’ve come to break your mind instead,

Fear, fear, fear me yet! I’ll leave you dead in dread,

fear, fear, fear me yet!”

He kicks the door, and it opened. He went running to the elevator, and it took him down to another floor which then he headed to the escape pod. When he got there, he saw a dead body; brutally mutilated. He hears screams everywhere, but he didn’t see a thing. He swiped for the pod, but nothing happened. He made his way to the bridge and saw more mutilated bodies and body parts.

He heard that disturbing voice again.

“Fear me now, For I bring you down. Murder makes a sound,” it said.

He ran faster and faster down a hallway and to an elevator, he thought he could get away. Somehow access the escape pods from the bridge. He thought he could unlock them.

This voice spoke again;

“No fun, Don’t run…” It said

He punches the Digital lock and the door opened he got in and went to the bridge. The screaming didn’t decrease, in fact, it got worse and worse.

He got to the bridge and the auxiliary power went out. Everything was dead silent. After a time has passed, Jason felt like a beast was breathing down his next getting ready to devour him. He heard something breathing down his neck. The hairs on his neck were standing up. His adrenalin was pumping, sweat came down his forehead. Before he could move, the beast grabbed him by his neck and ripped his right arm off and beat him up then threw him aside like he was nothing. He knocked unconscious while bleeding out.

A maniacal laugh came out of this beast. It had changed from and killed all of the crew. It left Jason there like it was nothing.

There was the force of a high magnitude that somehow kept Jason alive. A shield of some weird foreign origin kept him alive for the next one hundred years.

All that time, not sound nor an echo.


End of Chapter One.

Written By: Devon Parsons


Echo – Chapter Two

Chapter Two: Silence

Jason awoke to a new world of anguish, surrounded by skeletons. He looks to his right arm, and there was a mechanized arm in place instead of his real one. This arm was emitting an energy field which looked like light blue fire. He laid there in the hospital bed looking at this mechanical arm. Crystal had built him a new arm. He looked at his left hand and then spoke;

“Crystal! What the hell is going on??!”

He was in shock of what happened.

A minute later to his surprise a full figure curvy women appeared she had glasses and black hair which was straight and had been neatly comb. She was the Avatar, after all. She was medium height which was five feet and twelve inches. She had a beautiful smile and face.

“I had to save you from bleeding, Your whole arm was ripped off, and after that thing had come, my systems went haywire, I couldn’t keep your arm for attachment. Instead, we got you a robot arm.”

“Who are you? You can’t be crystal!” Jason said.

“But I am, She said.”

“if your crystal tell me what my favorite game to play with you is?”

“That’s easy, Mr. J its Chess,” Crystal Said.

“It is you! Do you know how long has it been? How long was I out for?”

They were in the small sick bay. Little robots and cleaner droid were cleaning everything up by themselves, and they were doing a good job of it.

“A hundred years…”

“What????! how can this be???!”

“You were in stasis for that long; some crystal formed around you and since I had no captain, I couldn’t do anything.”

“How did I get out?” Jason asked.

“Just recently it faded and released you,” She said.

“You manage to get me to sick bay?” Jason asked.

“Yep, a few of the robots carried you here,” She said

“They fixed you right up,” She said.

“good, I’m glad I recovered, but I’m afraid I can’t stay here.”

Jason got up. Then he warned Crystal.

“My head hurts…” Jason said, and he sat down.

“I think I’m going to vomit….” not too long later he puke all over the floor.

She made him stay for another hour.

He got up after an hour in the sick bay and an hour after puking and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Status on casualties,” Jason said.

She started calculating.

“99%-Dead,” She said

“But Why? didn’t anyone get away?”


“What about Marvin and my friends?!”

“They died without mercy.”

“No way…” Jason said

“There dead, everyone innocence soul here was torn ripped and almost eaten alive,” Crystal said.

“What kind of monster would do this to us?”

” I wouldn’t call it a monster,” Crystal said.

“….more like…. a demon” Crystal said

“It felt like a beast and I never want to see it again.”

“head to the hourglass,” Crystal said, “Theirs a surprise in the hourglass for you.”

So He got up and made it out of the room and heading to the elevator and through the door. What he saw shocked him.

The Crystal had broken free, somehow. They were all exposed to dark matter, and the dark matter wasn’t normal because he was still breathing and alive.

When he looked around, he saw skeletons everywhere. It was overwhelming to see all the corpses and knowing they all died.

Crystal appeared and spoke,

“This is all that left of the Crystallic…”

“What the hell happened? Shouldn’t I be having a nasty effect from the crystal?” Jason asked.

“Readings indicate that the crystal is inhibiting lethal radiation.” She said.

“What the hell, I should be dead or something?” Jason asked.

“Mr. J do you want me to scan your body?” Crystal asked.

“Yes, Do something about the crystal,” Jason answered.

“Strange, readings showed that you’re in perfect health…” Crystal said

“Activate the alpha one measure, Quick!” He said

“Activating Alpha one now.”

Right, then a metal containment wall came down on the crystal.

“Crystal why didn’t you do that when you had the chance?” Jason asked with anger.

“Mr. J. I wasn’t working efficiently,” She said

“There was a flaw in my logic that needs a look at,” She said.

“All those people dead,” He whispered under his breath.

“Mr. J, I can hear you, and it could be a lot worse,” she said.

“Famous last words, crystal,” he said.

“So crystal where are we space wise?” he asked.

“My sensor aren’t working at all, Mr. J.”

“Great, so were stuck in space wandering aimlessly without a soul anywhere,” he said.

“You got that right Mr. J. Well done, I must applaud you now,” She said meanly.

“Well get some robots to work on the sensor array!” he said.

“Will do, Mr. J,”  She said.

It was silent, a code dead silent that could never be friendly. Jason went up to the bridge and sat on the captain chair and sigh.

There was no sound, no music, no one just the ship and his mind.

You could hear the ships mechanics working; you could listen to the dread in his heart where he knew he couldn’t have saved his crew. The sadness that was oozing out of him. He sat thinking and reliving every moment of the ordeal.

It grew silent so quiet he couldn’t stand it. It became cold too so cold that he was shivering.

Just when he was alone, he heard a voice.

“Cold are we?”

The hair on the back of Jason Neck stood up. The voice sounded just like Marvin.

“Marvin?” He asked fearfully. He was in shock.

That’s when Marvin appeared right in front of him. He jumped like he saw a ghost, which he did.

“Wha-what are you?” He asked.

“Why would you ask such a thing?” Marvin responded.

“No way you,” Jason was interrupted by Marvin.

“Could be Marvin?”

“Why I am…” Marvin said.

“b-b-but your dead,” he said in fear.

“So it seems…”

Marvin tried touching Jason, but his hand went right through Jason. Jason felt a cold draft when he did this.

He ran away from Marvin.

“Stay back!” Jason said.

“Cousin, would I hurt you?” Marvin asked.

“What are you doing here, Marvin? wouldn’t you be going into the light?” Jason asked.

“I’m just as clueless as you, Jason,” Marvin said.

Jason closed his eyes and told himself he was hallucinating. When he opened his eyes, Marvin was gone.

He took in a deep breath and felt relief.  He was back against a wall, and so he slide down the wall into the floor.

“It was just a hallucination…” He said to himself.

Crystal spoke:

“Incoming hail…”

“What the? Put it on-screen!” He said.

A man with a patch over his eyes and darkly dress leather wear shown up on screen. He was wearing a black cap. He had no hair.

This man spoke,

“I presume you’re the captain of this vessel?” the man asked.

Jason got up and said, “Yes… I am.” he was looking intently at this bald fellow. He had never met him, and this balding man was in full black attire and wearing black leather gloves.

“Prepare to be boarded!”

The screen went off. Soon after there was a loud crash and crystal spoke.

“A ship has docked at docking bay five.”

Jason sat there thinking of his next move, and there was no next move he couldn’t take them all out on his own. He was a scientist, not a soldier. Nevertheless, Jason headed down to the dock to face this pirate.

When he got there, he was face to face with the bald man who insisted on shaking his hand.

“I am captain Rigel of the vessel formally known as the U.S.S. Hyperion. I found it empty and took it.”

“And this vessel is mine now.”

Jason swallowed, and it felt like his throat was in a knot.

“My name is Jason, and since I have no choice, I surrender.

“Oh and there only one other you should know about, and he’s right behind me.”

Jason saw a tall, tanned man, standing behind Rigel. He was built like a tank and had curly black hair. He had mustache and beard, Along with brown eyes.

This man shoved Rigel out-of-the-way and introduced himself as Argonaut.

Rigel spoke, “He’s my first mate and like a son to me.”

He smiled and patted Argonaut on his back.

It got quiet, and Jason was sweating not knowing what they plan to do with him. Rigel stopped smiling and composed himself. He spoke again,

“Since your surrendering we won’t need for bloodshed, But just in case we will handcuff you.”

His lackeys cuff Jason.

Rigel ordered his men to check out the ship.

Rigel kept Jason near him for questioning.

“Argo, go with the others and see if you can find treasure. I’ll take Jason with me to the bridge.”

They started walking, and cargo agreed and left. They head from the docks to the bridge.

Rigel asked a question,

“What the hell is this ship carrying?”

Jason sighed. “It took a crystal that infused with dark matter,”

“WHAT??” Rigel seems shocked.

“You heard me, Rigel.”

“why hasn’t anything bad happened?”

“we contained the best we could but for some reason it seems like a blur to me, but I’m the only one left from an attack that was-I don’t even want to believe that it happened…”

“Well, Jason, dark matter is not funny business.”

“It’s not what you think .”

They were still walking down the hall.

Rigel had an intercom on his attire.

A minute later it blew up with noise. “Captain Rigel, There’s Skeletons on this vessel, There everywhere.”

Rigel pressed on the intercom and spoke: “Is there any survivors?”

Jason spoke, “Just me, Rigel.”

The intercom blasted out again, “NOT even a soul…. my god what has happened to this ship.”

“Your worse nightmare, ” Jason said.

“Jason, What happened, what happened here.”

“Hell happened here, and I was witness to the madness.”

Again Rigel tapped his intercom and spoke,

“Clear out the skeletons and do the best your can cleaning up.”

They continued to walk in what seem like mutual silence.

“Why are you the only survivor? Jason?” Rigel asked.

“I have no idea, Rigel. It happened so fast it was like crashing into a brick wall.”

“I have noticed that this ship is old, how come you’re not affected by this?” Rigel asked

“something kept me alive for one hundred years.”

“Where is the science, the facts, the realism?”

“Rigel, I wondered that myself. it is all madness.”

They continued to talk as they walked to the bridge. Every now and again Rigel would look at the blood stains.

This whole place stained, with blood and horror.

Rigel was brave and he carried on any other pirate would have run away. But he knew the value of this ship and that

he need this ship for his fleet. He felt confident.

“I have a question for you Rigel.”

“yes?” Rigel responded.

“Why haven’t you run screaming bloody murder.”

“Jason, I need this ship.”

“What for Rigel?”

“We could use that crystal.”

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Rigel.”

When they finally came, the bridge they found that crystal was waiting for them with a smile on her face.

“Welcome, Captain Rigel,” Crystal said.

“Who is this?” Rigel asked while checking her out.

“This is my ship’s avatar, Crystal.”

“Shes beautiful for a hologram.”

“Yeah, but she’s just a hologram, nothing more.”

crystal smiled turn into a frown.

“Jason! my sensor is picking up an unknown ship coming out of warp.”

“On screen,” Jason said.

IT was a half torn up, the ship, and it was easing blackness like blood. Half of the ship was missing, and The Darkness was coming out of the ship and heading right towards the Crystallic. It was visible to everyone the bridge and essential it got silent again. Then the lights went out, and the power disappeared.

“OH dear god, We have to get out of here, Rigel. It BACK!” Jason said.

The intercom came on, and Rigel heard his fellow pirate screaming for mercy. Rigel’s heart sunk and he almost stopped breathing when he heard argonauts voice screaming out for him.

He started to run to save someone, anyone, and he didn’t want this to happen.

The screen came on, and this hideous half is oozing black skull appeared on the screen, made of human bone and what seem like black oil covered all around it. It had eyes there were plucked from a man and placed in the holes of the skull. Its body was deformed bones but covered in oily black flesh.

The door shut before Rigel could get into the next room. In frustration, he fell to his knees and slammed the door with his fist.

“NO, no, We play.” The monster said.

There was thunderous laughter and cracking of flesh and bone. Rigel sudden saw all of the horror transferred into his mind.


“…Not my crew.”

Rigel Started crying. He kept pounding his fist on the door.

“Why God? WHY?”

“Fun…” The creature said

“No hope,” it said.

Rigel continued to cry and curse the universe. It grows silent, and the screaming eventually stopped, and all the world was silent once again and there was only the sound of the ship and an echo in space.




Children of Thorn – Chapter One

Chapter One: Aeons

Years ago ancient Creatures and men and elves were rampant around the globe. The sad part is that they were being hunted by man, for their magic and their items, even their so-called gods turned against them. At every turn, they were hated. They soon were dying out, and people stopped believing in ancient magic and ancient races.

But! But! The last wizard creates a door that can only be open by a chosen one once this portal opened anyone could pass through it. If to many people knew about it a wizard on the other side will close it permanently. Not all were destroyed, but they all escaped to another world.

To the portals luck, the chosen one lived nearby. His name was Philip Banks, and his friend was  Joe Caliber. They were the age of ten, and they read all the books on magical stories. They were fantasy buff. They both dream of saving girls and killing dragons.

There other Cindy and Kathrine were also fantasy buff. They dream day and night of magical place and magical realms.

They live in Colorado, and it was may of 2014. They were all four of them playing in the backyard, and then they headed to the park. To Philips surprise, he saw an Archway, which made of stone. It was a very shiny archway it had jewels and ruby and diamond etch into hits stone.

He ran up and touch the stone arch, and it opened something pulled him in. His friends went to the entrance and saw the portal open.

“What the?” Joe asked.

Then one of them ran in.

Joe felt a push into the portal, and they all fell into this portal.


End of chapter one


Dream Flow-Chapter one

Chapter One: Topaz of Legend

What if your dreams took you places? What if it takes you to the beach or a beautiful lake?

Would you want to? could you?  What would you do?…

“Jim! Jim! Play with us!” Jim was a child of twelve. It was summertime in New Orleans. He was at the park with

his buddy’s. He got up and played in what seemed like a local park. Jim Colt was a child of imagination. He would

image anything.

“Yeah I’m coming, guys…”

He got up and from laying in the grass and looking into the sky. He walked up to his friends.

“What were you doing over there Jim?” His buddy asked.

“Nothing just thinking about the world,” he said

“You’re weird…” his friend said

“Whatever Kurt!” Jim said.

“Don’t whatever me. Ever since I could remember you’ve been having your head in the clouds.”

His buddy was a chubby short-haired freckle boy. He had the appearance of a bully.

Jim, on the other hand, was a skinny and short with blonde hair and some beat up jeans. He had hazel

eyes. He was short but had a good heart.

“So what?” Jim asked.

“Your brain might explode there if you think too much.”

“Let us just play alright!” He said. He had some beats around his neck. His buddy’s name was Kurt Hasfal.

“Alright the name of the game is four square… remember server can’t serve himself out.”

his other friends said one thing it was: “Awe.”

Jim lives with his mom and dad. They always fought all the time; he wished he could not listen to them, but he hears

everything even the curse words. He just wants them to stop; sometimes he wants to escape.

Jim last name was Colt.

Jim Colt lived south part of New Orleans. His house was filthy and beat up. His mom worked as a waitress for a dinner. His dad was a taxi driver.  They were renting the house they lived. Jim and his parents were miserable but

they were stuck.

Jim got done playing four square, and he had to go home. So he said goodbye to his friends and headed back. He rode

home while the sun was going down.

That was when he saw his crush walking down the street. She had a cute nose and a beautiful smile that brighten up his

days. She had long blonde hair. She was a typically sized teen. She was holding her books and was wearing appropriate

clothing. To him, she was a classy girl. She smiled at him.

He almost crashed as she also waved. He waved back.

There was no time to talk he had to head home. His mom would get made if he didn’t do so.

He came up to his house after the long bike ride and saw his mom’s car there but he gas on time for once.

He got inside, and she was making dinner already, but that didn’t stop her from asking question like;

“where have you been? have you done your homework?”

He answered appropriately. She believed him.

She spoke to him, “Jim your allowance is due tomorrow.”

“Yes!” Jim said excitedly.

“I’m going to let you go to the strip mall downtown by yourself. I’ll be at work, so I’d expect you to get some milk for me.”

“Okay, mom…”

They got settled in, and eventually, dinner made it. Jim Was listening to his Ipod on his beats headphones to past

time. When time past. The food was ready. He turns off his iPod and took a plate and ate watching T.V. Not soon after

his father came home drunk

and angry. He even slammed the door as hard as he could.

Jim never understood why his dad was so angry or why his parent fought, but as soon as that happened, he ran to his

room upstairs.They yelled and screamed all day and dishes are crashing and his father hitting his mother. After an evening

of this, it stopped. Jim was wearing headphone to block out the violence that was occurring downstairs. After all that

commotion he went to sleep. It had gotten late into the night. He fell asleep wishing almost praying for an escape from

this madness. He woke up the next day in the afternoon. There was no school, so he did as his mom said. She had put

his allowance on his nightstand next to his bed. He grabbed the money and then presume for a ride to the park.

He sat down on the grass and just enjoyed the scenery. It was a beautiful day. There were many kids around playing on

playgrounds and bird were singing, and there was not a cloud in the sky. He was sitting next to the trees and the picnic


After thirty minutes of listening to the birds singing and breathing in fresh air. He heard a voice come out of nowhere.

“Hi Jimmy!” it sounded like a girl’s voice. He jumped and looked over it was his crush the girl he liked.

He gulped.

“Can I sit here, Jimmy?” she asked

“Uh, Sure…”

He got nervous his palms got sweaty. He felt butterflies in his stomach. She sat down.

“Such a beautiful day isn’t it?” she asked.

“Not as beautiful as you.” he thought.

“So Jim, do you like me?”

he said nothing.

She looked in closer and said, “Do you want to kiss me?”

He said nothing.

“I knew you had no guts.”

She got up and left.

Jim had locked up when he saw her and couldn’t speak.

He almost fainted. He was so angry with himself. The school bully had seen him sitting next to her, and she was very

popular. It infuriated the bully. His name was Rex Livingston.

When Jim got up from the ground, there was Rex on his face ready to pound it.

“You been talking to my girl?” Did Rex ask?

“Ummm um, no…..” he said in a scared tone.

“Oh? that wasn’t her sitting next to you?… punk?” Rex asked

“Okay she talked to me, I didn’t even talk back.”

Rex was a very tall for his age and had some muscle in his body. He had shorts on and a button down shirt on which had flames. He pokes him with his finger.

“Don’t even go around her, Jim-bo,” Rex said

“Shes mine…” Rex said

Rex grabbed him by his shirt and said


“Okay, okay she’s yours! I know” Jim said.

He put Jim down. Jim took a hard swallow. Jim outnumbered Rex, and his posse was backing him up.

“You better, and since I feel so generous I’ll leave you off with a warning,” Rex said.

Rex started walking back but then he turned around and raised his fist while saying.

“On second thought!”

Bam!  Jimmy got a huge black eye. He fell in the count and for a couple of minutes. When he awoke, he found that his bike was still there.

“That rotten doofus Rex, if only I could defend myself,” he said

He got up and started mounting his bike, and Rex wasn’t in sight. He felt relief but then he remembered the milk.

He rode his bike away from the park and into a grocery store. He had a basket on his bike, and so he bought the milk.

When he started heading home, he found a shop. That said “Mystical Hand.” He had a strong feeling to check out this

store even though it was getting dark. He walked into the warehouse, and this Grey old man was dusting the place. It was full

of oddities and cool stuff. The old man greeted him.

“Ah welcome, welcome!” The gray old man said.

“I have been expecting your arrival.” The gray old man said.

“You have?” Jim asked.

“And I have just the thing for you, Jim.” The gray old said

“What how do you know me?” Jim asked

“I know everything….”The gray old man said

“How can you know everything? that impossible.” Jim said.

“There is more to this world then your understanding.”

“Now, I know why you have come.”

This old man is looking like a wizard of some time.

“You do?” Jim asked.

“and its right behind your ear…”

he put his hand on Jim’s ear and pulled out a Topaz.

“This is what you been needing.” The gray man said.

“A crappy gemstone?”

“Not just any gemstone, my boy. It’s a magic gem it can take you anywhere you dream of.” The gray Main said.

“All you have to do is to hold it in your hand think of a place or dream of one then rub your thumb twice over the

stone, and you will go wherever you dream of.” The gray man said.

“Is that the truth?” Jim asked

“Here take it and at least try it, you can have it for free. if anything it would be a lovely gift to any girl….or perhaps the mother.”

He took the Topaz willing and looked closely at it. It was blue and shiny. It was round, but it catches the eye. He looked

up and the shop was empty, and no gray-haired man was in there.

He didn’t know what to do so he put the topaz back in his pocket and went home with the milk. When he came back

The fighting had begun. He ran to his room and sat on his bed. He heard dishing being broken and yelling and


There was nothing he could do to stop it, and so the temptation of the topaz became unbearable.

“What the hell? why not try it?” He thought.

He grabbed it out of his pocket and thought of a beautiful island in the middle of nowhere. He rubbed the topaz twice, and he vanished.

End of Chapter 1

By Devon Parsons

Echo – Chapter Three

Chapter Three: I Drank What?

Jason life came to crash. If only he could have done something about it, if only Jason could have seen it coming but no, he could not predict the future. It’s quiet now after the fluid violence had overcome Jason’s ears. Rigel crushed under the weight of the world. He sat there devastated.

Crystal was able to regain control of the ship and she turned the lights on by her connection to the ship. . Rigel ran to Argonaut and held Argonaut in his arms, but his body was cold and dead. It was apparent to him that even though he tried to love him as his son no amount of love could bring Argonaut back from the dead. Nothing ever felt so horrible as to what he experienced.

The ship had left as soon as the silence seeped in. It was strange and unusually that they never touch Rigel, but Rigel wished he could have taken Argos place. Raged filled Rigel. It consumed his heart. He threw his fist against the ground and felt the pain of grief and loss.

“I’m sorry,” Jason said.

He got up, and he untied me without saying a thing. It was clear he was angry. He started walking towards the docking bay. Jason yelled at him,

“Where are you going?”

Rigel responded, “To kill the beast.”

Crystal allowed him to return to the ship. The only thing on Rigel mind was shooting whatever killed Argonaut. He left angry and grieving.

When he left me, Jason was stuck on the ship in complete silence. All I can hear is the ship. I walked to my quarters and sat on my bed in silence. My head is starting running with thought,

“Why me?” I thought.

“Why does this thing not kill me?” I thought and wondered. He went into deep thought and an hour passed. He took a deep breath and sighed. He closed his eyes and listened He started hearing that voice of the darkness.

“Jason. Jason. Tick, tack, Time to tune your clock.”

Jason shook his and screamed, “No!”

He opened his eyes, and there was nothing just the humming of the ship. He was breathing heavy, and eventually, he slowed down again. He felt himself relax, and then he closed his eyes again. He was laying against the wall of his room on his bed.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Someone familiar which freaked him out.

He screamed and jumped, “YOUR DEAD!” he said.

“Do I look dead?” Marvin said.

“Why, Yes you do!”

“Humph, I may be dead, but I’m standing right in front of you.”

Jason gulped and then he said, “Why are you here? Aren’t you suppose to stay dead?”

Marvin smiled, “I’m here to help you, Jason. Laying in your room by yourself is not going to solve the problem.”

Jason responded with,  “What will then?”

“Finding the answer and it is in the stars, across the galaxy, through the other worlds. Staying here does nothing.”

Jason then spoke, “I must be hallucinating, there no way in having a conversation with the dead.”

“Oh but you are, my dear cousin,” Marvin said.

Jason pinched himself and Marvin were still there even though he closed his eyes

Marvin spoke again, “you see that this darkness or thing or beast even, is destroying all of the humanity. Feeding off souls of the living and leaving a scar in the universe.”

Jason looked at him, “Okay, so I am hallucinating?”

“No. You see the real thing; I am dead, and you see a ghost. Come on, a giant killer monster came and killed all your crew. What else do you need for proof?”

“That thing would be impossible to kill and yet you’re here telling me we should venture across the universe searching for a way to defeat this godlike creature?”

“Why else would I be here? …Jason.”

“Okay, What do you suppose we do?”

“I don’t know, Jason, but there has to be an answer to this dilemma.”

“Okay, that gets us nowhere…”

“What do You think we should do then, Jason?”

“Study the crystal…”

“Very well,” Marvin said, and when he did, he disappeared.

Jason waved his hand in the area where Marvin was and said “Hello?”

“GET GOING! We don’t have time!”

He got up and walked out saying “I’m not staying here.” He was freaked out by Marvin and didn’t want to remain in that general area. To him, it was too spooky, and he felt like he needed to get out.

He headed to the bridge went through the hourglass, and he sat in the captain’s chair. Crystal chimed in.

“What are you doing, Mr. J?”  She asked


she imitated a sigh, but there was no breathing coming out of this hologram then she spoke, “Jason, Don’t you want to get revenge?”

“Weren’t you there, CRYSTAL?!Didn’t you see it rip my arm off?”

“I did and see you moping about and still if we can do something about it then we can say we tried or if we succeeded we could save millions of lives.”

“Se you heard everything then?”

“I even saw Marvin,” she said.

“So it wasn’t my imagination,” he said.

“What else could it have been, Jason?”

“Okay, but what am I going to do? I can’t go anywhere.”

Crystal gave him a look of “your kidding right” and spoke,

“Yeah? Well, I found some spectral traces of our crystal on that ship using my long range sensors. The robots were able to fix my sensors.”

“I research and found that the crystal, first discovered in the Cygnus system, I bet if we go there Jason, we will find some more clues to its origin, and if you studied the crystal a little more, I think we would be on to something.”

“Then as your captain Crystal, I command you to set course for Kepler-32!”

Crystal saluted and spoke, “Aye captain.”

Jason sat in the captain chair after he changed into something that was more to his liking. He sat again in silence as the ship stayed in warp drive. He could hear the low hum of the ship and the beep and beep of the equipment. A minute went by and then it went to 30 minutes before he hears a familiar voice.

“well cousin, it’s good to see you up and about,”

It was Marvin.

Jason felt a cold. The quite was cold that only ghost could bring.

Jason shivered a little.


“Yes,  Jason. the infamous most excellent, dead, cousin of the year,” Marvin said.

“Yeah, and I sit here as the worst captain ever,” Jason said.

“Don’t say that Jason… Things could be worse,” Marvin said.

Crystal chimed in; Her hologram showed up.

“Who are you talking to Mr. J?”

“Myself…” Jason responded.

“Oh really?” Crystal asked.

“Are you sure you’re not talking to Marvin?” she asked.

“Yes, of course, I’m talking to him.”

Then he heard a quiet whisper in his ear.

“Hello,” It was a girl’s voice, and it was soothing and soft. It was like soft rain in the wind. It was as if her cold lips kissed his ear.

He jumped. He looked at this girl. She was a redhead in a red dress with luscious red lips, and she was fluttering her eyes at Jason. She had the sex appeal of a goddess. She was very curvy and built like a brick.

“Captain Jay, don’t recognize me?” She said.

“No, I don’t…”

She shook her hair and wink at him.

“I’m Dr. Claudia, Don’t you remember?”

Jason gulp and Marvin spoke.

“So I’m not the only ghost here, I see.”

Crystal spoke,

“indeed. Dr. Claudia.”

“Crystal its good to see you again,”    Claudia said.

“Yes it is, Miss Claudia and I’m sorry for your death.”

“Its okay, I feel liberated, death has set me free.”

“And some…” Marvin said.

Jason looked over at Marvin then said, “why are you guys still here at all? Shouldn’t you guys be in the proverbial heaven or hell?”

“real question…” Marvin said.

Marvin sighed,  “I’m afraid I have no answer to that my dear cousin.”

Dr. Claudia stood and spoke;

“I’m afraid none we know what’s going on and to the regards of science its complete madness.”

“This is my world now, talking to the dead…” Jason said

“Well, Jason. We are exploring territory that is unknown to anyone,” Claudia said.

“Claudia there no way that this could be happening and besides the Federation of the earth will find me and they’ll fix this all,” Jason said.

Marvin spoke:

“It’s been one hundred years and no federation or faction exist anymore, and I guess that. Common sense would tell you the universe is in shambles.”

“How do you know? cousin? They could have survived,” Jason said.

Claudia spoke;

“we can test this hypothesis with us “Ghost” by sending ourselves across the universe and looking for answers.”

Marvin gave her a strange look, “Is that even possible? Aren’t we stuck where we died?”

“Doesn’t hurt to try,” She said.

“Then I suggest you leave better me alone while I’ll get a brain scan and see a psychiatrist.”

Claudia laughed and said, “like you need one?”

They both disappeared, and it left with Crystal and Jason.

Jason leaned back and looked at the roof of the ship. A couple of hours pass.

Then a strange but familiar voice came too.

“So Captain, do you think death fits me?”

Jason jumped and almost fell off the captain’s chair. He looks to his right next to the consoles.

“What?” Jason splurged out.

“Don’t be alarm it’s just the good old pirate Argonaut.”

“YOUR a GHOST now??”

“No, I’m a Sailor on the virgin seas…! Of course, I’m a GHOST!”

Jason gulped, and it felt like rocks going down his throat.

“Guess I’m a death magnet,” he said in complete bothersome.

He sighed. Argonaut looked. Exactly. Like he did before he died.

Jason spoke, “Why in the heck would there be an existence of ghost, err I don’t even know.”

“I’m talking to you, Jason,” Argo said

“I know, I know, but I’m still trying to wrap my mind around it.”

“Don’t lean on your own understand, Jason just trust the universe.”

Crystal spoke with them on the intercom. We have to reach keplar-32 system.

They all three saw a big black rock that was as vast as a planet, in fact, it was.

“What in the name of the universe is that?” Argo asked.

“The origins of the crystal,” Jason said.

Jason got up and started walking out saying “Prepare to dock bay three I’m getting on the shuttle.”

Crystal complied. Jason walked down the docking back through he hourglass and onto the elevator where Argo was waiting for him.

“So…” Argo said.

“You’re going on the big piece of black rock?”

“Yes and nothing you say is going to stop me.”

“Well, Jason…”Argo said.

Jason stopped and said, “What?!”

Argo responded with “Nothing  just wanted to wish you good luck… you’ll be needing it.”

By the time Jason got to the shuttle Argo had disappeared. Jason got on the shuttle and landed on top of this dark black planet. The funny part was it had an atmosphere and when he landed it look bright and vibrant. It was sunny and had a wild life. He was amazed at the beauty of all that was around him the colors were astounding.  He was able to take his suit off and was a surprise that it had a gravitational pull which was equal to that of earth.

To Jason’s surprise, he found that the ground, made of metal.

“What the hell?” He said

he bent over and saw the metal moved. A planet that was lifelike, except it was all artificial.

It spoke

“please identify yourself, place a hand on the ground.”

Jason gulp and thought “what is this place?” He was overwhelmed by curiosity, and so he did it.

This planet scanned his hand, and it spoke.

“Humanoid… You are clear to enter into The Hallow.”

A stairway was formed right in front of Jason.

“This is nanobot technology,” he said.

“This whole planet is a giant nanobot,” he said.

“Amazing….” He said.

He started walking down the stairs. And the whole Stair moved and opened up to a room where a weird alien projection showed.

Now this alien was a green humanoid which had slanted eyes and soft humanlike skin. It was the intelligent being, but it was a hologram. It had robes on, and they were gray and covered most of his chest and body. It was a military looking clothing. The head was in a shape of a snake, but it had no scales. It didn’t have any meat-eating teeth it was all for greens and veggies.

It spoke;

“Welcome to the Hallow….”

Jason, taken back by the fact that it knew his language.

Jason spoke,

“How? The hell?”

“This is the hollow and all humanoid are welcome here. Now why have you come Humanoid?”

“For knowledge,” Jason said.

It spoke again but was a bit off topic, “Scan initiated…”

after three seconds the scan was done

“Found data on humanoid, Jason, Captain of the crystallic.”

The green like alien smiled at him and said.

“Welcome Captain Jason, you can ask anything you want.”

“To start how do you know me?”

“One hundred years ago, a humanoid much like you interfaced with the Hallows mind and now we are aware everyone from your records.”

“I have one for you, Jason.”

“How are you still alive?”

“…humans are not capable of living that long, Its been one hundred years.”

“I don’t Know, who are you and what species are you?”

The hologram responded “I am Kellinaut from another world where humans don’t exist. And my species is called Ancestors. It given to us by the life-bringer, who in turn created all of our worlds.”

Jason looked at this hologram and asked

“What should I call your world?”

“if you must know, Jason. it is called Ashen.”

About that time Jason saw his lizard like tongue.

“Why is this planet here?” Jason asked.

“Years have gone since the creation of this planet; our race made this so that other race would learn from our mistakes.”

“But we didn’t do we? YOUR race planted a bomb, an artifact here for another race to find.”

“No. a Flaw in The Hallows programming allowed a user to hack in and gained access to the object. We tried to warn them, your race, but they insisted on doing this.”

“That is how we, The Ancestors, died out, but we preserved our knowledge in the Hallow, hoping and waiting for someone to find us, so our memory goes on.”

“So, confirm my suspicions, the artifact, its the crystal infused with dark matter, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but that’s just the coating. It was supposed powerful energy that inspired sentient beings with powerful rays that cause people to become weapons and wield incredible power. It had many purposes its power most of our ships and could send that power though the fabric of space as a signal.”

“That sounds amazing… I must ask, though, what went wrong?”

“It tore a rift through dimensions and unless an evil that we ancestors could not fight. One by one we were killed…”

“Is there a way to stop whatever Pandora’s box we opened.”

“There is a way; one last ancestor came up with a weapon that would destroy the wretched monster,

The Gullateen, that’s what we called it the Gullateen, this Ancestor put his very being into this weapon.”

Jason Jumped.

“Where can we find it?”

“The location was never put in the Hallows data banks, thought rumors of it suggest its across the galaxy or in another universe altogether. The ancestor that created it died to keep[ it a secret and it was never fully finished, but from what iIhave read and heard from other sentient beings it just needs s press of a button.”

“great, we got a weapon but nowhere to find it.”

“Kel, Can you, at least, give me a clue.”

Kel looked at him and said, “Let me guess your ship is nearby?”

“Yes,” Jason said slightly nodding.

kell smiled and said, “I will link up to your ship and give crystal all the data she needs.”

“Very well,” Jason said.


End of chapter three.
















































Children of Thorn- Chapter Two

 Chapter Two: What Dreams May Be?!

What Philip and his friends saw was an incredible world where there were creatures like unicorns and Pegasus along with giants that were five hundred feet tall. These giants were friendly and talked.

They were there, but the portal had disappeared. The thing is, their attention was not on a way back but on a way to stay. It wasn’t long when a wizard in blue robes with a typical long white beard showed up and spoke.

“THE CHILDREN OF THORN!” He seems a little shaken up by the whole idea that they were here.His long beard and wizard that was apparent to the children that he was a wizard.

They all looked at him in amazement.

One of them responded,

“What is this place?”

The wizard took back by the fact that they were listening.

“If you must know little ones, the land, this world is called Severn.”

“You four families has been missing for over 50 years and I know each one of your names. its taken that long to get you back!”

He bowed.

“What do you mean good sir?” Philip asked.

“All promptly! Little ones!”

Philip wore glasses and had short blonde hair. He was short, but that was because he was a kid. Joe was taller and had

brown hair. He was unyielding and had silky smooth hair that parted in the front.

“If it helps then I shall tell you who I am. I am Norn, the storm master,” He said

Joe spoke up, “Hey, Mr. how are we going home?”

“The portal brought you here, and that means you guys are the chosen ones we have been expecting your arrival for years now., and, I’m afraid you’re stuck here, and this is your new home!” He cleared his throat and then said,

Cindy spoke up “I don’t wanna go back this place is magical.”

They all four knew each other from an orphanage. They were playing in someone backyard when the portal opened. They had nothing in the last world.

“very well, Little Cindy, just come this way.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kathrine said.

“Feisty aren’t you Kathrine!”

They started walking even thought they didn’t want to be there, but curiosity overpowered them; they complained a little, but wise storm master knew what-to-do.

He summoned a storm cloud. He walked on top of it.

“Come, little ones. It is safe to walk among  the clouds.”

Philip was a little scared, but Joe jumped right to it.

The other ones took some convincing to get them on this cloud. But they all gather on the cloud.

They flew through the air like eagles. They looked down and saw Forest and wild monster. They saw fairies and elves and gnomes along with a village that was in the trees. in the sky where dragons and fireworks.They saw land and jungle with a village of tree houses. They came close to the destination and started seeing a machine that made from magic. The glow of the city and the diversity of its people.

There was a huge castle that was painted white and had blue shingles. It was like a mountain. Nothing could move it or phase it. It didn’t even sway in the wind. It was beautiful, and both girls were memories by it. They all were awe-stricken.

“Come, Children, to my tower we go!”

They walked into the castle. It was everything they could imagine. It had several tapestries and had been clean and well kept. Suits of armor were everywhere along with weapons that were hung neatly on the walls. Painting of portraits of people who were once great warrior and wizard. Where they walked once were great heroes and in turn,  they left their4 mark.

They walked into the main tower that’s attached to the castle. It was a room that had a throne for a mighty king There was mounted on the wall a massive head of a dragon. It had riches and chest full of gold and artwork. Norn sat on this might throne which made for a king. He then pointed to a tapestry where all four of them were.

“What the?” Philip was in awe at the tapestry.

“No way!”

“Whoa!” The Adam and Eve! We’ve been watching you four ever since you were born.

“We brought you here to serve the King Venal Thorn.”

“Why?” Both boys asked.

Both girls Then Said, “Yeah why?”

he chuckled, “Kids for yeah!”

“You four are sons and daughter four family. Each and every four families was sons and daughter of Four powerful Guardian that created this world. They were benevolent and kind. Each one owned a piece of this world. Every four corners. For Four thousand years they prospered. Soon, they found that the life that came into this world soon became the sentient being and soon the magic that was like thick mist in the air created man…”

He showed them in a spell a vision of the past right before them.

“These family ruled over man, and they prospered. Humankind learned and became blessed with mighty Powers themselves, but that did not cause our epidemic!”

“What did?” Philip asked.

“A darkness came through the portal stealing life and color from the world. It is a dark time. Many fell before the darkness. There was a word that a Powerful half-blooded Guardian and human was the cause of it all. He summons the opposite of life and magic. He summons a dark magic that was a full of death and a dragon that steals the souls of the living.His name was Gossom the death lord and his dragon Razen, The soul stealer.”

“What did the families do?!” Philip asked

“Yeah what did they do?!” Joe asked.

“Yeah!” Kathy said.

Cindy nodded.

“They search far and wide each family sending a representative to hunt for a solution. What they found was a scroll with the highest concentration of life and magic. They couldn’t move the scroll, but they could write on the scroll their families name and their name. So then Turn them into powerful mages, warriors, healers.Joe’s family became knights of Caliber. Which was their last name? Kathrine family earn the power to heal grave wounds. Their last name was called Young. Their order which called The Light walkers. Philips family gained the power to cast mighty spells and they last name was Helot. They formed the Order of the Storm. Last and finally Cindy, her family last name was Burns. Her family gained the power to sneak and skills that no man could ever imagine. Cindy family was very much into spy aspect of this world. They were skillful in everything. In turn, they were Dawn of the Bane. They handle all that was political and secret,”

“What did they do next?” Joe asked.

“Well, kids. They were able to trap the Wicked foul guardian name, Gossom. Then send the dragon back to its hell. It was a joint effort, but essentially it was only temporary.Soon they found out that they could only trap once every three hundred years. So they trained heroes who are your ancestors to stop the guardian.”

Philip seemed perplexed, “How did they stop the Guardian?”

“Yes, good question!” Narn said.

“They searched for answer across and closed up for defeating this evil man and came across a scroll that was in Enoch. It read a spell that could stop Gossom. When they froze him in his cage. They came far and wide search for decades and years to kill him. They came up empty.”

“Aren’t you a wizard?” Joe asked.

They rallied behind Joe.

“I came from another realm, one of your famous ancestors saved me, and I swore a life oath to serve them,” Narn said.

“Lastly, before you guys were born and it was exactly fifty years ago. The Famil abruptly cast into your world. They were a strip of magic and stuck them for fifty years. When you four were born they were killed, The people of your world saved you guys somehow. I saw that it w2s shift shaping vile-tongue druid named Kern Vale or widely known as Snake-tongue. He served under Gossom.”

“What about King Thorn?” Philip asked.

“He was the youngest of all four family, and he was appointed ruler of the four kingdoms when your family went missing. And so he had to rally the humans, and I had to find a way to get the descendant of Guardians back into this world. And save all of the Se.vern,” Narn said.

“So, do we have a choice?” Joe asked.

“Sigh, Joe, You do! But would you rather be in the other world than in Severn? We can train you in many ways, heck it is in your4 blood to be a knight of the caliber. You are Joe Caliber son of the Great West Guardian,”


Narn picked up a sword and Threw it to Joe. He then animated a suit of armor.

“Fight Joe!”

Joe took to the weapon as it was his left hand. He fought fierce and vigorous and was able to defend himself. The problem was that he was overcome back the lack of knowledge.

He showed each one they had natural talent and did extraordinary things.

“Now, will you stay?

-End of chapter two

Echo – Chapter Four

Chapter Four – A Scar is an Echo

         I could almost touch all of space and time but I could not control it, couldn’t bend it. It felt like an ocean of information and power was flowing through my hands, but I could not use it was like being scattered across the universe. It was like being in a cave that was dark and alone with just my voice echoing through the cavern. Being scarred, deeply scarred and my pain was The voice that was echoing throughout the world.

 I got back on my ship and crystal linked up with the planet, and we downloaded the data. I started to read some of it. IT told stories of the illusion of knowledge that would cover the tracks of the so-called beings from another dimension. I didn’t want to call them demons because, for me, there was no such thing. I am taken back by the clarity of it. It said that knowledge was a lie. That in retrospect we were all hallucinating reality, that, in truth everything that was fact was a lie due to those kings of the realm.

I have seen many great things in my day but never told that gravity was a lie, that matter was a lie, theories about space ad time were lies. THAT Monster existed, and they were not a lie. All of the science that I kept as personal truth was a lie. I refuse to believe this. Me Jason, a Doctor in Physics and many other degrees, is now told that there are things that are not of this world? I have seen the creatures with my eyes and felt that wrath of the darkness that engulfs the world. Anger filled my body as I read it.


I jumped.

“What??!” I turned to my left and looked at him.

“Boo.” then he laughed.

“Really? cousin?”

“Yes!” he was still chuckling.

“It’s wonderful to be a ghost!”

I felt annoyed and insulted by Kel and my cousin, Marvin.  Kel for giving this pseudo garbage and Marvin for being a ghost. Marvin was a reminder about the incident. I felt like it was a stab in my heart every time I had to think about it. I felt guilty. There was something in my heart telling me that it was all my fault. Marvin interrupted my thoughts.

“What are you reading cousin?” Marvin asked.

I sighed and sat forward with my hand on my knee.

“Marvin, I think that Kel character fooled me, All of it is BS!”

I threw the damn handheld tablet to the ground.

Marvin shook his head. He walked over to the electronic tablet and looked at it.

“Does not science imply that anything could happen?” Marvin asked.

“Is not the cat either alive or dead? If it conceived that we exist doesn’t that mean we also don’t?”

“I had learned from the study about Heisenberg uncertain principle and I have discussed with several others about the idea of anything happened at a toss of the dice. Cousin, a whale, could come out of the sky and land on you, for science being the exact facts of life is also saying that the world is flat or in instead that chaos comes out of nothing and turns into order then back to chaos. This! Would, go against the rules that implied with chaos and order, in turn, chaos doesn’t come from order and order does not come from chaos. You see it every day, but science and theories say that it is not possible. If the fact always change how can they be facts?”

“I ought to slap you, Marvin!” I said

“But you can’t because I am dead, does that surprise you, cousin? The Dead walk among you and you refuse to accept it? All of this breaks the laws of physics. All of this even goes against old religions. My death led to my release of my soul and awakening that made me into reality. Now, Cousin don’t you think your acting like a child?”

“one thing I don’t understand tho. Marvin. Is if they got the crystal on the planet why didn’t they meet kel and if did wouldn’t they know the flight risk?”

Crystal Chimed in,

“MR.J It seems from our probes that the planet is changing… Into, our probes reported that its metal is turning into the dirt, and the world loaded with crystals. The sensor detects dark matter all over the planet.”

“on screen, Crystal.”
The planet was becoming just like earth. There was no reading of metal or nanobots on the world. I watched in awe as seas and land formed before my eyes. Mountains were rising from nothing. And this was all going on as the purple event horizon engulf the planet. The world went Through the portal and came out a new entity. Then, in turn, the portal closed and what stood before the Cystallic.

“I’m going down there crystal!” I said.

“As you wish MR. J!” Crystal said.

I ran through the ship and to the shuttle. I got into containment suit/space suit. I board the shuttle. I went into it, and no one said a thing. They let me land on the planet. Then I found discovery.

“Is this MAGIC?”

The planet covered in red plasma crystals. I shook my head.

“I’m losing my mind,” I said

There was a bolt of lightning! Right in front of me and a loud thunderous noise. Before me was a giant man with a giant mace. He looked like a king of the most highest prestige. His clothes were almost god-like. They were immaculate and glowed in the star. His mace had a long handle that was golden and lined up with shiny ruby’s and emeralds. The whole stick made for the most riches of men. He wore a crown that fit neatly on his well-shaped head. The face bo0dy and beard all looked like he was a movie star in the story of Excalibur or he was a paladin.

“STAND BEFORE ME BOY!” he said, and his voice was like a lion roaring.

“Wat the hell? Are you Thor or could it be a Greek god?” I asked.

“I am whatever you make noble captain. if you must know, though, I am Zeus, the Greek god.”

“How is this possible?” I asked.

“Jason, the Argonaut you were once. You were a proud and noble warrior, once served Thor. And at one time you were a knight of the Lord, a fighting monk, a Templar.”

“How? If the doctrine of each religion/myth is true, then that would mean someone there all right?” I asked.

“son, I cannot tell you the truth, I’m just here to guide you, Jason,”

“What can you say2 Grand Hallucination?”

A chuckle came out of this giant godlike being.

“You must search for the for three crystals, White for atonement, Blue for righteousness, and red for the cleansing.”

“AND Jason the planet was found by your republic, and there they found a dead planet and they took it to study it. That is when you ripped a whole and opened a gate to let that beast in.”

“you, Jason lived in multiple realms, and now the world is in chaos. You unlocked hell, boy.”

“And how can I trust you, Zeus?”

“you can’t, but you have no leads,”

“What should I do with these crystals?”

“Take a shard from each one then stab it into the crystal on your ship and it will destroy the beast.”

“Very well… I will try, but “Zeus”-” before in could finish saying anything he was gone.

“DO AS I SAY, BOY!” Zeus said.

I took a red shard from the ground. It was read and sharp. The pla1net then started to break apart like an egg. I ran into the shuttle and made my way back to the ship as fast as I could. When I got to the ship, the planet had cracked right in half. And you could see its core. No explosion or any Kel.

Crystal was happy to see me and the dead crew mates were glad I was OK. All this still freaks me out, though. The dead should stay dead.

We headed somewhere else and headed there fast. I had the creeps. I took the crystal and put it under containment.

I sat in bed shaking. I was shoo-in up. All I could hear because they all left me was

 an echo,


End of chapter 4.