Category Archives: Frost Blood

He finds a scroll and becomes great Mage at what cost though?

Frost blood – Part Two

   Frost Blood: Part Two: Fear me


“Connor, you screwed up,”the mysterious wizard said

“And, I know you, how?” Connor said.

“I am a friend now. If you must know, my name is Lyman The Lord of Arcane, the wandering wizard. I’ve come to help!”

Lyman said.

“What the hell is going on men?!”

Connor said.

“The power of words, Hallow Frost,” help Lyman said as helps Connor get up.

“What happened to the earth, Wizard?” Connor said as he looked around.

“It was the dragon that you met, that betrayed you, Connor,” Lymen said.

“She wanted to destroy the earth and build a new one in place, your friend Jim, was a slave and spy,”

“WHAT??!” Connor asked. He seemed surprised.

“Jim tricked you with that note, it was a trap, and you were the only one who could read the scroll the only one who had the power to destroy and create,” Lyman said.

“bah, laymen, it can’t be that bad? can it?!” Connor asked.

“Everyone in this world is dead, and the dragons that were once dormant in another realm have taken over. These are not average dragons, you see, they live off of the energy that used and the energy that not used. They could live forever just on the sun and lost energy leftover from the dead and machines. In fact, they use magical technology to produce magic which they also feed on,”

“How?-What? -When?!”  Connor seems scared and felt dreadful.

Lyman looked around the barren scarred planet and then spoke again in a sigh.

“The power of words destroyed this world. I am the savior of it; I’m here to help you, Connor. I will be guiding you, because not only did those words destroyed the world but it made you into an actual wizard. You are the frost in Jack Frost. You, in your blood, flows the power to change everything. This journey is about you, Connor. We have to save all of the mankind before its too late. Whatever that dragon told you was a lie, a poison bite, it seems through you like Toxic chemicals in a child,”

“There have to be more people around, here you cocky old wizard,” Connor said.

“Naive Connor, do you not realize the power of death and life? I have come miles and miles to save this world, because of what you spoke through your tongue!”

“What should we do about it, Lord of Arcane?” Connor asked.

“First, child of frost hallowed frost. we have to leave this realm and search for the scroll of Thuses, or should I say the scroll of salvation,” Lyman said.

“What about you reading it?! Can’t you save this world by yourself?”

“No. I can’t. Connor. The scroll answer to a kind of magic and only you specifically. I had once read a scroll that destroyed my world. I couldn’t repair it; it was horrible; I gain power and return I lost all I loved. It is why I have come!! Connor!”

“…I–” before Connor could say anything. He heard a loud roar behind him. It was a dragon on a wasteland of the planet. Before he could move, he was sucked into another portal. Lyman had taken him to his dwelling.

It was a very quiet and peaceful place, a little house in a tree and timeworn tree. Inside it though was very much a lot of clutter. He had a desk and a whole three bookshelves of books. There was upstairs where he slept. It was an old oak tree. It had been there for centuries. It was the coolest looking place Connor had ever seen. Lyman sat at a table which was in the middle of the room next to his desk. It was a vast area. This place had a firewood stove, and he had tea steaming.

He was dressed in blue and had a long beard and a pointed hat. To Connor, he seems everything that wizard would look like in his eyes. His staff was very much carved by him, Lyman. It was a very elaborate staff. It had carvings of arcane marks going up and down the staff itself. The very top was hand carved tree. It was very much like the tree of life. Connor had known about Celtic and arcane symbols because he had researched it a long time ago.

Lyman sat down. He invited Connor to sit with him. Connor sat.

“Connor, your ancestors, were once kings of magic,” Lyman said.

“Then what happened to them and can’t the dragon find us here?” Connor asked.

“Don’t worry Connor, and their magic stolen by fear, fear that was a living thing, it breathed and existed to only torture and enslave. We call it fear but it’s a living organism, it was what an old master of the realms who sought out power but came back as a monster. He fed on fear; he loathed all of the living magic, all of light and light. He stole the magic that your family possessed. His real name is Xorron master of the realm, King of healing magic. The irony in that, sigh,” Lyman said.

“Then why did the scroll, bring back the power to me?” Connor asked.

“Its the cruelty of Xorron, fear, as many people would call it created the scrolls to tempt and destroy planets. The dragon fed him with their power of creating fear and death. In turn, Each dragon worshiped him. They were fed, breed and trained by fear, or-Xorron.” Lyman said.

“No one knows what happened to Xorron,” lymen said.

“So where’s is this scroll?” Connor said.

“In the last battle to save realms, a god who expended his energy to the point of no return-death, created a counter scroll which his followers hid. It is what we are searching for,” Lyman said.

“You never said  how you knew about my realm, though?” Connor asked.

“I heard the echo through space and time, through realms as your world died I felt it in my bones. In my heart broke,” Lyman said.

“So when do we start?” Connor said.

“First, we have to research where the scroll is, And we start that now!”

End of part two.

Frost Blood- Part One

Frost Blood: Part One: Connor


I know illusion, and I know she lies. All my life I was stuck on tricks of the hands until I found the tome of frost. It took me years and years to see this rare book. This piece of literature or should I say spellbook has brought me to be able to defend myself. I am a well-educated gentleman. It was the 1850’s in the northern states of US. I lived in New York City. I blended into the crowd. I wore a trench coat. I had Fedora as a hat. I was always smoking my pipe. I was a mage, and I specialized in frost. I could feel the cold in my blood. I just recently became a mage. Everything was great; I had many friends and tons of money. My name was Connor. My life couldn’t be any better.

All good things must come to an end.

When you came out of the birthday party.  I had just turned 30 a came across a mysterious green-eyed man who gave me a note. He said it come from one of my closest friends, Jim. He insisted that I should have it. I took it then, I walked home and sat on my ottoman. I took a deep breath. I relaxed next to the fireplace. I sat there staring at the fire, and the oil lamps illuminated the room. The chair was very comfortable. It was leather and felt like smooth leather. I found myself almost falling asleep, but I remember the note. I took it out of my pocket is that I had been a mage for only five years I read the letter out loud it was in Latin. That was When a Portal came out and sucked me right into it. When I went out of the other end of the portal, I found myself face to face with a dragon. I felt a real life breathing dragon. It roared at me. Then took a form of a female human.

The whole place was black, and there was nothing but a candle floating between me and the dragon.

This dragon had black hair and red lipstick with a red dress.she work heels and shaved her legs. Her leg was as smooth as silk. I was shaking a little and felt very upset. She touched my hand, and instantly I became a clam.

“Who are you??! I asked.

“I am a dragon that is madly in love with you. You were sent here start a new world with me. We have many enemies s that wish to kill us, but I fooled them to trapped us here to be with you. The thing’s that I have the scroll that will give us a new world and if you must know my name is Elise of the red skies.”

“well, Elise I Will have no part in this!” I said.

“But you’re stuck here, Connor,”

“what about you Elise? you can get us out of here right?!”

“I am afraid I am stuck too but its worth it to be with you, Hallow Frost,”

“Why me?”

“Tick, tick, it’s you’ re talent that’s wasting on earth, but if you must know the dragons have come to take the land back, and you could have stopped them, but by now it’s too late.”

“So what now ?”

“This place will become your cage, Connor you were born with the power that overwhelms even the greatest of dragons. While you’re in here Connor there nothing you can do. Right now you have no powers unless you read this scroll.”

She smiled at Connor.

“then let me see it…”

She walked up to him and gave him a kiss,” Sparks flew, and it was like nothing he experiences before. She stuffs the scroll into his right coat pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket. I opened the scroll. I looked at the writing in was in Gaelic. I could translate it. I spoke the words. What happened next was the formation of a new universe.

The light came into view the land, and dirt rolled out of nothing. There were tree’s that had very many exotic and strange new fruit appeared. There were animals from myths and a path that is of stone. Then a castle looked over overhead. It was like a beautiful stone Castle. Then planets appeared in the sky, and I felt solid ground. Then land I stood on was a whole world and distances became apparent. It formed into a new world where everything was brighter and full of life.

“That castle, my dear wizard is yours. This all of this is yours.”

Before he responds, he heard a gunshot and was pulled into another portal. I found myself on earth, and it wasn’t the earth I was expecting. The cities had turned into rubble. There were wild plants overgrown over all of the buildings. The buildings were torn down and wrecked. Dragons overran the earth. There were magical creatures everywhere from satyr to fairies and the dangerous kind of fairies.

“It has been fifty years, Connor.” the mysterious wizard said.

“How do you know me?!” I asked.

“You were the one that read the scroll, Connor,” the mysterious wizard said.

End of Part One