Category Archives: Bane of Love

He was cursed by a Witch disguise as a gypsy to be immortal until he finds true love, he has to fight the witch and prevent her from ruining his chances to live a happy life without her!

The Bane of Love – Chapter three

Chapter Three: Sarah?


Sarah, I thought she would be the one that would change the curse. I thought she’d be the one to make a difference. I thought the curse would lift. I was naive and foolish.

A part of me hates myself. A part of me felt as if it was my fault for the curse. I had so much anger and pain. I rejected Sarah’s religion in my heart. I still felt better against God.

When the day came. When the clouds went into darkness. I found her. She had been poison, for five years we were happy. This time, it wasn’t the witch it a someone else.  Regardless of that, she came to gloat in my face. I wanted to strangle her. I kept getting my heart broken, over and over.

I fell to my knees in front of the Ghost.

“It is not a cruel fate to me? Your laughter-Why does not kill me?! That would be swifter!” I begged to her.

She shriek.

“Deary, I enjoy your misery. Even when death would be tempting to bring upon you!” she said.

“Death? Please? No more, I can’t live forever in this hell!” I said.

She laughed. “No!” Then she then left me crying.

It started raining. I was right next to Sarah; she was dead. I sat and cried for hours. I had so many emotional broken bones. Along with physical wounds from the abuse of so many others. I knew I had to run away. They blamed me. I decided to find a way to hide from everyone. I ran away found a forest and far away from everyone. I lived in a tree. I was stuck there and angry at the world. I hate everyone, and my feeling festered. The next ten years I grew bitter and sour and resentful.

That was when my dark side came out. Anyone found near me; I would kill. I embrace the hatred and the angry and the rejection of a higher power. I fell far from the goodness of life.

In turn, to my surprise, though I felt worse than after killing these people. I would scratch my skin till it bled. I started hearing voices; I start hallucinating seeing Mistia, Sarah, and my dad. Not only that I saw the darn witch. I hated that wicked smile. She was enjoying my misery. I would cry for days at a time.

“Cry?!” The witch laughed

“That’s right you spoiled brat!” She said.

“SHUT UP! WITCH!” I said.

She laughed and laughed, Shriek and gloated.

When the to darken hour came a light embraced me.

“There is always hope!”

I looked up and what stood before me was a wizard of the light.

She shrieks and ran away from him. He reached out his hand, and he was in blue robes.  He was older than me. He didn’t shave.

He was lite up like a star.

“Who are you?!” I asked.

“That does not matter,”

“Take my hand child,” he said.

I took his hand. I felt warm and comforted.

“Come, Walk with me!”

I did so and walked through his forest. He stated his name as Archinon the archmage of good and bravery. He said that he was hunting for me because he heard my spirit crying in the night. he said He dealt with the witch before. he said He can ease my pain but when he thought he could do something about my curse he was ripped from this world and taken to another.

I had lost everything. The witch came back and for another three months, she tortured me. She reminded of every mistake I made. She reminded of everything I had gone horribly wrong.

When I killed the last man, he held a book in his hand. It reads on the cover.

“To Verlin, From Achinon,”

It read that I was a line of wizard kings.  He was part of a line of Sorcerers that ruled many realms. The sad point was they were in a war against the embodiment jealousy, anger, hate, and pure poison. They fought against the very fabric of snakes. The evil beings were like snakes and of absolute darkness. It said that the only hope was as the Mistia said. It stated that to find true love would cure the curse. He indicated that he liked me. He mentioned that I should come back from the darkness and back into the light. Achinon said he was a relative of mine.

The next day, I walk into civilization once more. This time, I had a mission to find love for myself, to save myself, to take an initiative.

It took me another five years to become a citizen of America. I had changed my name from Verlin to Jim, and that seemed to work. I had to beg and plead for a job. I got a job in southern Ohio as a farmer that works in the field. The world still hated me. That period in my life was rough.

I so used to the abuse. I was numb to it. I lived in a small cottage near an old man’s cave. I drove to work every day. They would ignore me, and daily children would throw stones at me. At night all alone I would cry. I would beat my pillow. I would scream.

One night I heard a whisper around my cabin. Then a knock at my door. I opened the door. Then was when I saw her I felt my heart come back to life. I felt my body no longer numb and broken. I was shocked for words. I was impressed by her looks.

“Verlin?! I assume?!” she said.

I just stared with her black hair and brown eyes.

“What does a cat have your tongue?”

She walked in.

“Please come in!” I said.

“Archinon sent me,” she said.

“You see, Verlin, you must marry, that’s all… ”

I felt my heart start hurting again, and the bitterness comes back.

“How are you going to fix that?”

“I’m going to marry you! Verlin!”

End of chapter 3







The Bane of Love – Chapter Two

     Chapter Two: Exiled Love


So many dates went by that I forgot about my pain. I became careless and carefree; I could feel like I could fly. I tried to stay grounded, but I found myself in heaven dreaming of her.

She had fallen madly in love with me. I felt free of the pain. The endless bounty of love filled my very essence.  I hated the world because for some strange reason they didn’t stop hating me. It was something I often used to, and it didn’t matter because I found love. I often dreamed of just sitting by the beach with her. I often thought about laying under the stars curled up with her. It was a dream, a dream in the high sky.

I had a few years with Mistia; we were about to elope. Everything and anything was going right. I felt so much better knowing that the curse would come to an end. That everyone would love me and accept me for who I was. We, Mistia and I, were engaged. I would be free from the wretched curse. I felt comfort in knowing that it will stop.

It was two days before our wedding date. My girl didn’t tell anyone about it but the person that was marrying us. So many years had passed since my mother died and since the strange day, everything was horrible.  Since I could remember the world was out to get me. There, on the last day, right before we got married.

She, Mistia, brutally murdered. Her throat cut. The crime happened on the streets of Germany. I was the first to find her. I cried. I wept as I held her green eyes in my hand. That was the real moment when I became a man. I felt like running as far away as possible. I even thought of tearing myself from limb to limb and having someone bury me across the world; scattered.

No! I sat there to hold her weak dead body. Then I hear a horrid voice as twisted as a knot in a tree. As old as the tallest oak. As Shrewd as a banshee and as sharply as a nail on a chalkboard.

“Did you think you could escape?! run away from this curse?! Be free from me??!”

“no, no, I thought to kill you! Witch!” I said.

She laughed and laughed in her sharp voice. It felt like the cat scratching all the way down to the bone. My tears seem to fuel her jealousy, and her jealousy appears to fuel my rage.

“I killed her myself, she begged and begged for mercy. I smiled as a slowly cut her jugular vein; she choked on her blood,”

She laughed again. I swung at her, in tears. It went right through. I collapsed on the street. My tears fell to the ground.

Her sharp shriek pierced my ears like a knife into bone.

“GIVE up! Deary, you’ve been defeated. You will never have true love as long as you live,” Arlianic Shern said.

RAGE, blind, pain fueled rage came into me. I Tried for another hit in this evil monster face, and nothing happened. I heard the echo of laughter around me. She had disappeared.

I looked down at my fiancee. She wasn’t even in her dress. I held her cold corpse next to mine. I had spent an hour before they found me holding her.

When the police found me, I became a  suspected number one. I knew that there was no way of proving my innocence. They wouldn’t believe anything I said; they would think I was nuts. In 1919 August first, I was tried for the murder of my fiance Mistia. I was found guilty and hanged that next day.

I pretend to be dead until they forgot about me. My neck was sore, but it healed instantly. My heart, though, had become twisted and torn. It felt like I had died inside. It felt like a piece of me was gone forever.

I took advantage of my death and ran away to America with my impenitent and bone heart. My stone heart, which I had closed lock and all. I became like a troll from a fairy tale. I hid under bridges and never ate. I never drank. I had several moments of death only to be awoken to her not there in this hell. No savior, no heroes, no damsel just me dying and undying. I still found the notes and would hear her voice scream for me.

For hours, I would cry and be hysterical. It felt like centuries of hell until I saw her face. She had to be twenty-one. She was carrying a Bible, and she had brown eyes. I felt instant attraction; my heart beat again. I felt the blood rushing through my body and into my heart. No longer did I feel like I was dead or to die by my hand but that someone had heard my soul weeping in the night. I was under a bridge in new york. It was summer time. I was a mess, but I hadn’t aged since I was twenty-five. It was 1933. I had learned English from the time I knew Mistia, and she taught me.

She knelt down before me. Laid the bible next to me, She was a brown-eyed woman with bright ocean colored eyes. She was wearing a long dress and was very pristine and clean. She was radiating with a beautiful, perfect smile. She was like an angel sent down from heaven. She was like a flower that had just blossom off of a flowering orchid.

“poor man, Have you heard of Jesus?” she said looking into my eyes.

I felt rage, but I didn’t say anything because I knew she was a gift. A gift to save myself from the horror of knowing I couldn’t die, that I couldn’t love that nothing or anything ever cared about me, not even the animals that roam about here.

“No, I don’t, please tell me,” I said.

“I will if you come, you look horrid, pork chop,” she said.

I felt like letting the pain get out. I had died so many times only to get back to the realizing that I was alone, all alone in this world. Now, This angel has come again just in the different form, and I call it mercy.

I knew and felt that primarily the universe has come again to create another window of opportunity. There was another chance to be redeemed, to-be-loved.

She helps me get up, and she said her name was Sarah, She was a Christian, and she was very much a kind gentle soul. A part of me felt anger against God and blamed him for all my misery, I lied to her and said I believed. She loved Jesus just as much as I felt strong feeling for her. Sometimes I felt angry about it.

We started dating. This women let me live with her and cleaned me up a bit. To my dismay, everyone didn’t like me. They still hated me. They are still angry at me. It boiled my blood. I felt like a rugged that get walked all over.

We moved from New York to Florida. Where we started to, actually date heavily. I didn’t care about marriage, but she insisted on it, saying that she needed a ring or she would leave. I had a job and changed my name to Jim Darnall. I enjoyed every moment with Sarah and every day I was with her. It came to one day that I knelt before her and proposed.

She said, “Yes!”

End of chapter two


The Bane of Love

Chapter one: Without?! Or with?!


Immortality. I never asked for it. I couldn’t fix it. I can’t die.

It started years ago when I was the just baby in Germany in 1886.  An old woman who was friends with my mother that died in soon after my birth. My father trusted her. She came to my crib one day. She sat down next to me.

“Dear, dear Verlin. I use to love your father; he fell in love with the wrong girl. I sacrifice my youth for your father; I did everything for him and what happened, Verlin, he married that whore!”

I started crying.

“Cry, Verlin, cry! Because I curse you; child to always be alone and to live immortal without love, without anyone by your side for I give my very life to make sure you live without anyone ever again,”

“By the power of the universe, by the power of darkness I curse you, child, to walk the earth alone, forever,” she said.

She laughed like a witch while slowly fading away. It was then that I never knew love ever.  My father became distant from me soon after I was able to walk. He threw toys and objects at me as I grew up.

By the time I hit adolescent, My father had hated me. The school kids despised me. They made fun of me and threw stones at me. No one would talk to me.

I found notes saying “What does rejection feels like?” They would disappear and reappear. They were all of the same origins,

“No one loves you! Verlin’,” the notes would say.

“No one likes you,” they would continue every day.

I even at age nineteen tried to kill myself. I woke up in a morgue and came back to life. From then on, I knew there was no escaping this hell.

Hope stayed with me though even when I felt like dying. I went researching all over. I even told the professor and research who probed and dissected. They even killed me a couple of times. They soon hate me also.

I joined the circus at age 25 and had several nasty things happen to me only for me to get up and walk away from it. The crowd hated me, but it paid the bills. That’s when a gypsy women came by my tent. She seemed immune to disliking me.

I am always wearing black. She, on the other hand, was wearing a red bandana. She had green eyes and dark black hair. She was holding a crystal ball. She wore earrings that looked like angels. She wore black leather pants. She wasn’t average.

My tent or I call my home was full of nick nacks and things that hurt me throughout my life. Looking at these things was difficult. I had a table in the middle of the room. My bed was a Hammock. It was a clutter of junk everywhere because I figured no one would show up.

I Was wearing a dark black suit. I was wearing dark black pants also. It was all black even my bruised and broken body which I didn’t care for, in retrospect. This woman seemed not to care too much. She sat down on the table and set up the crystal ball.

“Who are you?!” I asked,

“Not all that hurt show pain, If, you, must know, Verlin,’ I am wondering, a traveler,”

“Okay, What is your name, Traveler? How do you know my name?”  I asked.

“Mistia, The Great Gypsy! Oh, I’ve known of you the day I saw you, Verlin Kern,”

“Why don’t you hate me, Mistia?”

“Verlin, Verlin, There’s more on the heavens and the earth than in your understanding, Verlin!”

“Oh? Really?!”

Rage came up inside of me. I felt resentment against all these people who hated me, who, spit on me and abused me in every way. She had been excellent and that what hurt the worse.

“Tell me were you there when they booed me, were you there when they laughed at my misfortune?! Treated me like a clown??! Thrown stone at me??! Or Killed me to only for me to come back alive??! And lastly were you there when they shunned me for no reason??!”

“No, But I have an answer that nags you every time they abuse you!”


“Ohh, oh, I like feisty! Peachcake! Do you know that you’re cute when you’re mad?!” she stated.

“JUST GET ON WITH IT!” I yelled.

“You ask the same question in which the universe is trying desperately to answer, Verlin,'”

“Why me? and I will speak for the world and say;

A witch cursed you,” Mistia said.

I stood my ground. I kept my composer, though my voice cracked a bit.

“Witchcraft??! What??! Who would be so cruel??!”

I thought about it; it was odd that everyone hated me. That everyone wanted to abuse me in some way. That I couldn’t get any attention or if I did it was always abrasive.  I wanted to cry; she had shown me a lot of compassion and forgiveness. I hated the world, and I hated the people who were in it. She, shown, love towards me even though I yelled at her, also though I was rude and mean. I didn’t understand it? Why did she hate me?

“I can see through your soul, Verlin; Your soul is weeping. You have no sense of love or kindness. They didn’t forgive you peach cake?!” Mistia said.

“WHY DO YOU HAVE IT THEN?!” my voice cracked, I almost fell on my knees and started crying. I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t deserve excellent treatment, all my life I heard how horrible I was. I didn’t crack, though; I stood tall.

“Because peach cake, it is the moon that breaks and creates a window so that you can have a chance at me, peachy!”

I looked at her she was beautiful and mystical. Very much an entrancing hypnotic woman. She seemed to be drawing me closer to her like a snake charmer. In this window I felt attracted to her, I felt funny. I felt warm; I felt butterflies in my belly, and I felt my heart racing. She started to resonate an aura about her. Then I saw that only a few people dreamed of, her beauty.

“Peachcake, I know what to do! I know how to gain their approval, their love, and love from someone special,” Mistia said.

“How? Beautiful?!” I said leaning over the table.

“Well, well, someone’s getting brave?! It seems that Verlin’ you were not only hexed but hexed by a female trickster. Who is still manipulating your destiny? She gave her life to destroy yours. In so saying that you have to find and marry before your window of opportunity ends! To break the curse, you, Verlin’, must know what love is, must find true love!”

“Then, What was the hex? What did she say?”

She council the crystal ball. They both looked into the crystal ball. It correctly showed what she said. I felt my heart sink. I didn’t remember her nor did I know her. She loved my dad?! She hated my mom?!

“Who is she?!” I asked.

“She is an old evil! She called herself in our tongue jealousy.  The rest of the world called her, though, Arlianic Shern, she came from the very pits of darkness!” Mistia said.

“How could she love my dad?! Or even now him?!” I asked.

“Evil takes many forms, she was one of those forms, jealousy, and she always was jealous of every woman with a man. In, mythology she was the green women who stayed in the cave and had festered feelings of envy of everyone,” Mistia said.

“Still why would there be a window of opportunity?” I asked.

“Verlin, Fate plays its parts; Maybe there is a higher power that loves you?!”

I laughed, “No such thing! Why would a higher power love me? He would hate me! He would cruel and mean being!”

“Be warned, Verlin, because war is waging, and you are a part of it. Our fates are intertwined. Peachcake That is all I know,” I Mistia said.

“Women, The moment that everyone, even when the higher power approves and loves me, will be the day when my father rolls over in his grave,” I said jokingly

“Well, peach cake, How about a date with me??!”

I felt shocked a bit; I sat down.

“Are you sure? Mistia?” I asked.

She smiled at him, “well, handsome why wouldn’t I be?”

I felt the chemistry between the both of us. Mistia had the guts to show me a slight bit of kindness. I felt drawn towards her. I then spoke,

“Then I will do it!” I said.

“Great!” she said as she popped up.

She grabbed her stuff and kissed me on the cheek when she left. When it was silent again, I sat on my canvas hammock, hung my head and started crying. I felt joy and sadness. I felt the pain I had never acknowledge till now. It was terrifying.

End of chapter one