Unleashed Higher Power – Act I

(First Draft)

I have questioned my belonging to this earth. I have wondered in my mind day in and day out if I was made for a better purpose. I Am an orphan in an orphanage and no one wants me. The Orphanage was run by the catholic church in Glasgow, Scotland. I found myself reading every day going on adventures in my imagination. I am Clark Haven at least they named me that after they found me left beside a road unwanted and abandoned.

The days in Glasgow was cold and boring nothing happened, no one did anything but mind their own business. If you got in their way through that was another story. I was always being picked on being that I was twelve. My biggest bully was some Italian English kid name Joseph, he was from Spain, he hated anyone that was different from him and being the outcast I found myself being constantly picked on, I couldn’t ever fight back because I was wimpy. I found myself hiding in trees reading books.

It was a normal day, but this day things would change forever. I was in class when the sirens went off. I found myself hiding under the desk but a great Black beast appeared on the horizon. It was something out of a fairy tale. It was a dragon. I dang dragon. I got out of my seat and found myself looking it right in the eye.

“Wow, a real dragon,”

then have snatched up by a bearded man.

“Ianuae magicae,” he said and I was gone.

I found myself in a temple in the sky. Right in front of a console of fairy folks. They were elves, dwarves, and even hybrids.

“You have the seal? Avius?”

“He’s right here, and he’s safe,” Avius said.

Council Whispered and rambled to each other. Then below the council was a door and the council above was on white stone sitting in thrones that were made of Rock I had never seen. It was all white and had a gloss on it which made it appear like it was marbled without the texture. in the side and the back were crowds of wizard and creatures I had never seen before staring at me. It was clear I was of somewhat importance. The Clouds surrounded us and the light was shining of the rock.

The door below the council on the archway opened up and it was an elven king. He walked out from the door and everyone knelt. Avius tapped me by my arm,

“Knee boy!”

The elven king looks right at me, right into my eyes.

“My long lost son, Clark,”

He embraced me, Clark with tears in his eyes.

“Do in know you? Sir?”

“I am your real father..”

“No, you can’t be… I am an Elf?”

“No, son you are a Seal, You will finally release a higher power,”

“What this world may need a God…”

“Let me go!!” I said.

“Let me go!!” I said again.

he did and I tried to run away because I blame this being for abandoning me. there was no escape.  I looked at him.

“YOU CANT BE  MY FATHER! If you were my father you wouldn’t have left me in an orphanage,” I yelled.

He looked down with remorse,

“Your mother stole you from me, she was a human mage who was scared for you! she didn’t think you could handle the throne!”

“Take me back to the orphanage, its better than then with a father that, that-”

“You think that I left you but you’re wrong like I was saying-“\

“Why didn’t you come for me then?”

“its complicated, son,”

Before I could speak, The dragon appeared swallowing the council members one by one, ripping and tearing their flesh. The king saved himself Avius was stunned by rouge warlocks and he was captivated in fear. The dragon jumped down and took human form as a handsome male blonde with blue eyes. He wore a robe of white dressed in deception. His eyes were like lizard until he shook his head that’s when they turned human.

The Dragon looked into my eye’s as I stood frozen scared and frightened. It starred at me and spoke,

“Son of King Kaldor, I’ve come to devour you before you summon a god into this world,”

This dragon changed back and put his breath right next to my face. It smelled like dead corpses and rotting teeth. then he licked my face with his tongue.

“Hmmm, flesh….”

“LET HIM GO Cronis!”

a Dragon that was Green and huge appeared.

Cronis turn away from me and looked at this other dragon calling her “The Guardian: Xera”.

she looked at me and signal an army of a wizard to save me which was the council of Avalon. They cast a spell while Xera was fighting this male dragon and failing to win the fight.

I found myself back on the ground, scared, worried. In a forest canopy in a village known as the City of Kraven. They lead him to treehouse where old shamen live. When climbed up even when I didn’t want to but they told me if they let me go to the orphanage it would endanger me and several other orphans.

The shamen waited for me to make it to his treehouse. When I got there. He was wildly and wired. He the personality of a mad scientist. He had the wisdom of ten thousand years. He was Human. He was full of archaic tattoos. He had his ears pierced and huge earrings on them bigger than my earlobe. He was meditating.

I looked around his room was plain and had many furs and animals. Then some alchemy Equipment that looked like a chemistry station. Never the less I was surprised when I found that the bongos and all sort of musical instruments started playing themselves. The odd part of it I felt at ease.

THe shamen opened his eyes and looked into mine.

“I foresaw you coming, Clark, come sit!”

He was tan and had staff that held that looked like a simple walking staff. He waved his hand and pulled up a stool.

He sat on the ground of the wooden treehouse as the chimes made music in the wind.

I sat on the stool as he reassured me that it was ok to sit.

“I know your question, Clark, you are asking yourself… Why am I here?”

“Because Clark, you are on a heading towards a quest to save all of the earth and all sentient lifeforms by unleashing a god,”

he turned to me ready to give me a lecture.

“This world is void of love, void of trust, void of compassion, but now Clark you are going to free the world from the pain, Without a god that dragon will continue to devour until nothing is left even your favorite things will be taken away from you, the quest in question is are you willing to travel to far lands to free this god, this being of love and compassion?”

“Why should I save a world that has done nothing to save me?”

“Because with a god there’s always hope, without one there’s no hope,”

End of Act I

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