Zeus’s Forgiveness – Part One

Part One – Chosen 


A storm was coming. Zeus grew weary of his children and their bickering.

Zeus searched long and far to change the world. He went to four corners of the world in his human form. His journey took him twenty years  with each passing year 
Zeus felt sickened by the sear suffering on the earth. He was saddened by the sear misery that was on the earth.
 When he found her, she was beautiful in every way. They both fell madly in love with each other, unlike any other women he has seen. She was called Antonia, and she was the best-looking women who Zeus ever loved. She was very Athletic. She had brown curly hair and was full of sass. She had green eyes. She was sweeter than the ripest fruit.
            they spent a year together, every day with her to Zeus was ambrosia. He loved her beyond comprehension He eventually had to return to his spoiled, bratty children.
Antonia, after 9 months, gave birth to Alekos, The son of Zeus.
Aleko’s journey began when he turned 18. He was living on a tropical island under Greece. It was his birthday. He found himself celebrating with his village and drinking and eating until his stomach was full.
 His closest friend Rouven took him to the side and said he had a gift for Alekos. As trusting as Alekos was he follows Rouvin. When they were no longer in sight and no one could see him, they stopped.
  “Why did you bring me out here, Rouvin?”
 “For this, little brother!”
Ares showed his ugly face and slammed his fist against Alekos. Then he opens a portal into hades and threw his brother into the pits of snakes. 
“BYE, Baby brother, Hades is waiting for you!”
Ares planted a body and made it seem like it was Rouven, who had captured by Ares, and he even wipes his mind. Rouven was put to exiled from the island. this is now Aleko’s journey from here forth,
He had fallen on top of a ledge, where, Hades stood before him.
Hades helped his little brother up.
“Who? Where are we?” Alekos said.
“You’re in my house,” Hades said.
“And you’re never leaving,” Hades said.
Then a voice that sounded like a wind chime ring through the caverns of Hades.
“I am Athena! “I have come for my brother Alekos, half human half god!”
“BACK OFF ATHENA!” Hades said.
“No, Brother”
Alekos was chained down by hades so that he wouldn’t escape. Then hades focus his attention on Athena. This turned into bickering, which became a fight for Alekos.
The battle was overbearing on the underworld. Athena eventually went on after tearing all of Hades apart and pinned Hades down.
The chains were released and Athena was labor breathing. She was struggling to hold down hades. She quickly grabbed Alekos and took him before hades had any say.
Athena took Alekos to a quiet temple for her and told him he was chosen to bring an end to the gods and Titans. That was was Zeus son and going to be his only son. She had to come to terms that there were too many gods and too much corruption. Then she told him he must go on a quest to forge a soul weapon with Hephaestus and prove that he can handle himself worthy to become a full god.
End of Part One

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