Master’s of the earth and elements

Preface: “I tried to put this all in one post but I couldn’t so I’ll try three parts”

Part One: What Defines Strength?


the land of four-leaf mountain, where there were many trees abundantly along with grass flowers and fruit. There was a man who was born with a sickening disease that made his bone weak and no man could cure it. he found himself, unwanted and unforgiving for his sickness. They name him Mr. Bones.

He somehow survived until adulthood where he wandered far and wide for a cure but no man could cure him. Mr. bones eventually came across a beautiful madam in the valley of silk and Honey. He gathered his courage to talk to this lady. he walked up to her. she had a beautiful pale face and had slanting eyes that had long eyelashes. It was also that he noticed her blouse made of silk and covered in ancient dragons of old. He had wandered into a tavern.

Mr. Bones was a poor ragged man. He hardly had anything to his name. His clothes were pallid and his face was worn. He could still walk but sadly he had a limp. He walked over to her and she smiled at him as he walked up to her and she spread her fan out and covered her face very flirtatious like. He mumbled his words and she spoke,


She had a very calm soothing voice.

“Can I, umm, buy you-ah drink!?”

“Of course you can sweetheart! ill take some rice wine! now be quick about it,” she said as she fanned herself.

That evening he found himself drunk he had ever been in his whole life. He had a blast but sadly it had to come to an end. She carried him to his house as he was intoxicated by the sear amount of rice wine he had. He was telling bad jokes and then his mouth spoke out words that came from his very heart.

“I-I wish I was as strong as a mountain, as quick-Excuse me- hiccup- as a stream and as smart as a fox and above all-” he puked then spoke again

“I wish I could have a gorgeous woman, oh the curves on her-” The fair madam hit a pinpoint on his neck and he was out.

She then spoke,

“If only he knew about his destiny! I must hurry, for he must be stalled if I wish to eat him!” She slobbered and drooled over his passed out body.

She rushed him back to her little cottage and when it came time to eat him and prevent his destiny. She couldn’t bring herself to do it. She said then,

“I’ll do it tomorrow!”

Mr. Bones woke up the next day with a huge hangover and found himself gazing at the prettiest/deadly creature you could find in all of the lands. He asked her what her name was again.

“Ohhh, handsome man, my name is Ming Shuo!”

“What did we do last night Ming?”

she walked up to Mr. Bone and kissed him on the cheek.

“We drank and had some fun!” She said.

He blushed.

They talked for a bit longer and she told him stories of past experiences. He blushed some more, he confessed that he didn’t have a home or a place to stay. She insisted that he stay there when him.

He agreed and this was his only real family as close as it could get to a real family. His old family left him in the street to himself.

He found himself falling in love with this women. Every night should try to eat him though but her heart wouldn’t let her.

It came to the point where she had to marry him. It was the best day of his life. He was the happiest man who could ever live, he had a family and a beautiful wife. Then, they became lovers, somehow she was able to pull it off. Then when she was asleep, she would again try to eat this poor man with sickness but she couldn’t only be stalling into the next day.

For the next ten years, everything was great.

Then the good thing passed, they had a huge argument and she disappeared. This is where the journey for him truly began. For he found a note saying, for you to retrieve your wife you must learn the art of Kung Fu and defeat me on top of Seven Stars mountain. He looked at his hands and his body which was very weak and he was very sick; he wept. He cried out against the forces that the world knew of. Against nature. Against karma. And Against himself for his weak bones.

He became a wanderer once more crying out at night not knowing what to do. He wandered into the windy cliffs of the east and walked down the wrong path. He found himself cornered for a fight. They were angry, abusive, young men who were seeking to hurt anything and everything they get their hands on. They didn’t want money. They wanted a punching bag.

They started to beat Mr. Bones up. That was when like the wind a man appeared and saved him with his swift Kung Fu. The cowards ran from him in fear. Mr bone was weak and had a few fractured ribs. This man with a blue hood to lend a hand to Mr. Bones. He could hardly get up.

The man standing introduced himself as Kuo.

“I can’t get up… Kuo,” He said

Kui swiftly picked him up and took him to his hut. He medicated his wounds and he laid there in pain. Kui opened his eyes and noticed the whites of his eyes were dark.

“Yep, he’s the chosen one,” Kuo said to himself.

When Mr. Bones woke up. Kuo had him in an academy where he found his wounded healed. He could walk normal and was very excited about it. He looked at Kui and hugged him.

“Thank you so much, Kuo!”

“AHEM! its master Kuo to you!”

“WELL thank you, master!” Mr. Bones said.

“You’re not out of the clearing yet!” Kuo said.

“You have what we call glass bones or fragile bones,” Kuo said.

“I don’t even know how you survived this long,”

That was when all his broken bones. All his memories of his past came flooded back. He relived every broken and painful moment in his life and he started to weep. The trauma was surely paralyzing. He sat there angry and sad.

“I have good news though, there is a cure. It’s within you and it is around you. You must search for each and every master in this world of each aspect of the world,”

“Who are these masters?”

They are the masters of the star, the sun, the moon and wind, waves, water and many more. Then their powers will be able to heal you, and you will come into your destiny…”

“What is this destiny, Master?”

“To be the Guardian of the four corners of this world,”  Kuo said.

End of part one

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