Awaken-Chapter Two

                  CHAPTER TWO – Protection yet destruction

I am Xelyue. In the past fifty years, humans and Lost Terrans have lived in peace. I ask a question for thought, If a made builds a dam but floods a city, does, that mean there is no right or wrong? That I can do no wrong nor no right?

It seems, Xel prince that the last fifty years have been in vain. It appears that humans have bred with my race. It seems that the right I did only brought upon an another war. This time, it’s from the hybrids. They have grown arrogant and think of themselves as elitist. I read about Hitler, and I have learned that they, the hybrids have developed a sense that they are the master race. Both Lost Terrans, humans, are now at war with their children.

They destroyed the relic. They have killed my human wife. I fear it is only time before they hunt me down and end my misery. It seems I have flooded the city even though I try to save the world. I tried to save humans, What did it bring us? Death. Destruction and misery.

My son, Euan, is searching for a solution. A way to end this bloody battle from all three sides. He said that there might be a planet for us to move to if we do not find a solution. I am afraid that another holocaust will happen, another world war.  I feel afraid for my life and many other Lost Terrans.

I have a choice for my people. I could leave this planet and let the hybrids destroy all of the humanity, or I could sacrifice my forces and my men to killing our children that are the hybrids.

I was in my headquarter when one of our brightest came in.


“yes?” Xelyue said.

“I have found an answer!”

“go on!”Xelyue said

“Its a virus that can kill the hybrids,”

“Whats the catch? They are part of our genome,”

“well, King. We have a choice; since your son is out looking for our new home. In turn its very unlikely that he will find anything, so this virus to allow the humans to survive. If we are truly a benevolent race ourselves, then we must make the sacrifice,”

Xelyue felt worried and was thinking deeply. This burden was something he had to make a choice on it.

“What about the humans the hybrids are half human themselves?”

“I’m afraid, Xelyue, this was something found in our dormant caverns almost as though it was planted there years ago. IT seem that it won’t affect humans. It appears that normal humans have a natural immunity to this virus. The hybrids are dead within three hours then it affects us after a week,”

Xelyue got up and pick up a vase and threw it on the floor. He felt rage like he had never had before.

“Send for a scribe! We may not survive but our culture will,” said xelyue.

The scribe came and for a whole month after battle after battle, a book became the last remnants of the Lost Terrans. It told the story of them. IT told in many the culture rituals and the end of the race itself. He didn’t dare tell his son. But when it came a time, when they had to drop the virus. They stole a ship and sent both his son and a female Lost Terran. Son had not found a new planet. Xelyue knew that it was the world that was cloaked from the humans for years. It was habitable. He also knew that the hybrids needed to die for humans to go on. Xelyue said his goodbyes to his son. He also warned him to be careful about his future children,”

in the final battle between humans, Lost Terrans and hybrids the virus bomb were launched killing millions of Lost Terrans billions of hybrids.

Before he died, before Xelyue died. He handed a book to the leader of all humans. “Save us from ourselves,” Xelyue said as he draws his last breathe. “Die in honor my friend, Xelyue,” The man said as he started crying.

-End of Chapter two.

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