Drugan Star – Chapter two

Chapter Two:

In Comes The Darkness



Drugan was sleeping. Ceres looked at him then turn the other direction. He felt a sudden urge to take the core out of Drugan, and someone make it useful. He felt like he could wield Drugan as a tool ton end the suffering in the universe.

He staved off his hand. He resisted the urge but in his darker side, he knew there was power to stop it all.


“Ceres what are you thinking?”

Dragun is woken up.

Leaf was outside playing outside.

“Can’t you hear my thoughts, Lord Drugan?”

“If you ask me Ceres then I will answer, Ceres I wish no longer to hear your mind or anyone thoughts, I come to respect you as a guardian.  Put I must test you Ceres,”

“how so? My lord?” Ceres said.

“Do you want my powers? Do you expect me dead? Or let me fulfill what’s promised?Ceres you are on trial, and you have to make a choice.”

“One hand you can kill me, and I wouldn’t stop you.The other is that I become mortal, and you become a great god. Or you let me judge the universe,” Drugan said.

Drugan created a sword in front of Ceres. “Should I remind you of your scars ceres? You are in no way humble you fat ugly beast. MURDERER!” Drugan said.

Ceres pick up the sword with hatred, anger and sadness.

“Why are you waiting? It’s all your fault that those mortals died, and you Ceres are the one that killed them,”

Ceres grip was getting stronger, and the took all his effort to hold back from killing Drugan.

“daddy!noo!” Leaf said.

Ceres and a river of memories flooded over him of leaf, and again he felt sad and dropped the sword and started crying.

Drugan walked outside and sat down and looked at the two green moons. Leaf came out, and Drugan gestured to her to sit with him. She did.

Drugan then spoke.

“Leaf you dad is an a mighty hero with a gentle heart.”

leaf and quiet she lowered her head.

“He passed the test and so I will place this world.”

He took the pace of him which was his crystal center and planted it n the ground. Is Covered in dirt.  At that moment, life began again. The world came back to live. The crystal dissipated and it turned into Dust which went into the atmosphere, and it started to rain. Animals that were once extinct came out oft he dirt and even the whole planted moved to the star that gave life. It was a red star. It had two moons also. The planet became just like earth.Leaf came to Ceres.

“Daddy don’t cry!” Leaf said

Ceres didn’t stop.

“Please don’t cry, daddy…”

he cried even more.

Drugan came in and touched the black titan foot. Then Ceres felt a wave of relief. He stopped crying. He hugged his daughter leaf. And Drugan started weeping.

“come daddy! Come! I have a surprise for you!”

She grabbed his hand, and he got up and went outside. For the first time in a long time, Ceres felt joy, and he picked up his little leaf and carried around as he walked into the grass and sat in a field of flowers that had exotic smells and color. He picks one of these flowers up and put it on hid daughters ear.

Drugan fell to his knees and started weeping. He also began to bleed red blood. Eventually, the bleeding stop and Drugan return to normal.

The days went by and they turned into months then turned into years. All the while Drugan grew into a giant himself. His wounds healed. Then soon they came to kill and slew Drugan. These were mighty titans, and they blamed Drugan for every little thing that went wrong with their lives.

Ceres tried to fight them, but he was too old. He lost he fought. Leaf ran off into another part of the world. She hides in a cave, and Ceres was a curse by a Titan to turn into stone.Dragun tricked them into letting him, Drugan, live. They took him to reaver named Fourglowse. Drugan then drew his blade and stared right into glowse eyes.

“You’re measured, and I found you guilty of all charges,” Drugan said.

The Reaver began to dissipate and burned into ashes. Drugan took his blade and killed the Titans.

“By death I have brought justice,” Drugan said.

Then, in his voice that across vast universes and the echoes of light and darkness.

“Drugan, the star and the son of a fool,”

Drugan starts sweating and felt overwhelmed with fear and anger.

It spoke again echoing through the space around Drugan. He couldn’t tell where it was coming, so he was silent.

“The greater good always has the greater evil, Judge,” It said.

he then realizes that it was a real god name Veros.

“I-i thought we locked you up, VEROS!”

“I’m free now! And I have to protect the chaos and the Evil, vile titan’s and maybe even destroy all good in this world, Drugan,”

“OF course theft,  destroyer and law breaker,” Drugan said.

Drugan started sweating and became afraid he raises his blade up its was useless.

“VEROS! THE VILE SIDE of the dark side. I AM The ruler,”

“HAHAHA YOU? You’re a soft bleeding heart. In no way, you can beat me. I am the real God now, and I will make this world as I see fit,” Voros said.

Drugan through his sword at a random spot and cut Veros but it was futile. Veros Blasted to light years away from him and on a planet with no life. This plane had no name. The world deserted, and it’s full of sand, dust, and rock.

Drugan tried to port back, but he felt his powers diminished. Then he roars like a lion throughout the universe.

“WAR HAS come!” Then Drugan collapsed on the ground. Every single soul in the whole cosmos felt the rupture, and it put fear in all their hearts.

End of Chapter two



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