Reality Rift – Part two

                    The Mine

When Morrow woke up, it was pitch black. He felt like he was winded. He seemed shaken.

As he got up, he said,
“Oh, my ribs!”

He looked around.

“Dad! Where are you?!”

He couldn’t see anything in the darkness.

“DAD?!” He screamed.

He heard groaning.

“WHAT?!” his dad said.

“Where are you??! I can’t see a thing!”

“Here I have a lighter,” he said

He pulled out his lighter. He lit it.

It felt damp and cold. He looked over at his son. He was okay. He got up, and they hugged each other.

“I’m glad your okay, son,” Dr. Brie said.

The both wore glasses prescription glasses. You couldn’t see much in the dark.

“Its cold and dark in here dad,” Morrow was shaking. Dr. Brie was a handsome and brilliant man. He wore clothes that made him a rugged outdoorsman, but he was a sophisticated older gentleman. He was in his fifties. He had lost his wife a long time ago, but that’s another story. He wondered off toward something he saw on the wall given that he was using his lighter.

He got to the cave wall and noticed old burning oil running down the wall connected to the torches. He l the oil and a chain reaction took place. Light entered the room, and it was a mine. They were at the very top of a stone staircase with the wooden high rise on the walls. There were chiseled faces that look like dwarves and statues that seem like mighty dwarves. Dr. Brie grabbed the torch and went to the edge of the staircase. He looked down.

“is that what I think it is?! Come morrow! You’ve got to see this!”

Morrow Brie looked down and saw a pile twenty feet tall of gold, rubies and diamonds, and the rares collection of priceless objects that would fetch a pretty penny. They were in shock. They started running down the stairs. That’s when Morrow stepped on a release door trap. At that moment, four or five doors were opened, and this wrenched half dead, or ghostly creatures came out. They looked like something had drained them of all colors. At the very top, a release came out, and a huge winged serpent reared his head at them.

“Is that a dragon?!!” Morrow said.

“SON ITS TIME TO GO! RUN!” Dr. Brie said.

Hey ran as fast as they could down the staircase while the dragon wrecks the states and the stairs. He breathes fire on the ghostly ghouls who were chasing them as quickly as they could.When t hey made it to the bottom they found a dead end.

They were about to get eaten by a dragon and wicked foul Ghouls who were drooling down their lips. They were ravenous and probably hadn’t eaten for centuries.

“What do we do now?” Morrow asked.

Dr. Brie looked around at the treasure he had a split second before they were on him. They got closer to the treasure, and the ghost started backing away and hissing. The dragon got loose and devoured these ghouls. They went running back and to everyone surprise there on top of the dragon was a dwarf! A real Dwarf!

As he used the dragon to fight off the horde of ghoul, he screamed out.

“I’ll save you, lass!”

When the ghouls were all gone, and he was satisfied with his heroic deed. HE slew the dragon with his giant sword stabbing his neck. They crashed down the stairs and into the pile of priceless items that were worth millions of gold. The crafty dwarf jumped out and cried.


“WHY are you here in my mine? huh?! you lucky I was in a happy mood just had some rum and I’m feeling frisky,”

“MY name is Morrow, and this is my dad Dr. Brie.”

“Bah, all I care about is if you’re here to take my precious treasure? Are you? Lass?”

“If so I’m obligated to kill ya!”

“Wait! Wait! We are innocence; I swear,” Morrow said.

“We are not here to your treasure, we woke up here against our will,” Dr. Brie said.

Dwarf gave them the crazy eye.

“I can usually tell when a man is lying. But you Lass are not lying.”

“Welcome to the mine of Edgar Nightbane ruler of the Ancient dwarves,”

“Well Edgar, what should we do? since your not going to kill us?”

“I know this place inside and out, and since you woke me up from my  slumber I guess ill help…”

This dwarf was very much a warrior with Sliver armor packed to his rim and white cloth which made him distinguished. He wore no helm, and he was bald. He had shiny red rosy cheeks and braided facial hair. He smile would brighten the room, but his eyes gave you a the stink eye or look at you very suspiciously as though he could read your mind. He had a few grey hairs.

“First and foremost though see hat rounded stone sticking of the wall behind you?”

They turn around and saw the stone They had to look down it was short enough for a dwarf and it the dwarf told them to press it.

Morrow pushed it, and a section of the wall slide up, and there was a hallway. The hall was vast and narrow, and there seems no end to it. The torches lit up down the hallway. Marrow and his father just stared down the hallway in awe.

“Well, just stare at it why don’t you ladies?”

Edgar made his way down the hall grumbling and mumbling about the two dumb humans who ruins his sleep.

He looked back and looked at them.

“Aren’t you freggin’ coming? You two?! don’t tell me you both daft! Come one now! I don’t bite!”

They had to duck to get into the hallway. Then they walked down the hall.

“So you two how did you two get here?” Edgar asked.

“Well…. Edgar, we were looking for artifacts and our expedition came across a medallion. Our lead archaeologist snatched it, and we found ourselves here,” Dr. Brie said.

“Medallion? You say? Let me ponder this! No speaking until we find a way out,” The dwarf said.

The dwarf looked like a mumbling buffoon as he went on down the hallway. They walked down this hallway for good twenty minutes. That was when we came to another dead end.

Edgar was bit perplexed.
“This is not supposed to be here. I never saw this wall before,”

“Great! What do we do now?!” Said Dr. Brie.

“You two wouldn’t have caught a glimpse of the medallion?”

“I did!” Morrow said.

“What did it look like, lass?” Edgar asked.

“there was a black orb in the middle of the frame, and the frame was half broken,”

“Indeed. I’m not sure but I think that medallion is a key to this whole thing, me waking up, this wall being here, and You guys stuck here,” Edgar said.

“But how does that solve our dilemma we don’t wanna be here anymore!”

“Let me think, Lass,” Edgar said.

Edgar sat on the floor.. thinking. That was when a portal appeared that was the color of a black hole, and a white feather came out of it. Then a note. Edgar picked up the bill and feather.

“King Edgar of the red stone dwarves,

go through the portal and follow the feathers.

For the might of the wings!”

Edgar dropped the note.

“SO how do we enter this portal?! Blasted freggin thing,” Edgar said

The portal started changing, and it starts pulling all three of them into the portal. All three of them tried to resist, but the force was too powerful and got swept into the portal.

When they came to again, the torch was out, and it was dark and, even more, damp.

Morrow Brie groaned, “not again!”

His dad lit the torch again, and Edgar was out cold.

“EDGAR!” they both said.

“No mother I don’t want to drink ale right now it’s beddy by time,” Edgar said as he rolled over on the ground.
Morrow shook Edgar, and he woke up. He was bit grumpy, but nevertheless, he got up.

“Blasted to hell, Where are we now?”

Dr. Brie and Edgar walked to the closest wall.

Again they lit the room with the oil.

Edgar took a good look at his architecture.

“YEP! Laddies! We are still in the mine, and it seem that both my mine and someone else tomb is here too!”

“That’s just great!” Dr. Brie said.

“Awe, don’t worry laddie. I did put any trap’s here…. I don’t think,” Edgar said.

Edgar walked down the cave and found statues of white feather birds. After walking a while, he came across a feather, a white feather.

“Blast, That note said to follow the feathers, perhaps we should?” Edgar said.

“I’d do anything to get out of this dreadful place, Edgar,” Morrow said.

his father seems excited about the culture.

“perhaps. Edgar, you could tell me about the dwarven culture? When we get out of here?”

“Of course, umm?-
“I’m Dr. Brie, and this is my son Morrow,” The doctor said.

“Well, in any case, I will, but we have to get out of here first,” Edgar said.

“We are no longer in my Grand mine, but in some tomb.”

When Edgar took another step. He stepped on a boobie trap. Walls in the back and front of them came down, and portals opened that were blue and black came out of nowhere with dark reavers that were spiritual being with the ability to kill. All three of them were surrounded by at least forty of them. Edgar drew his sword.

“We Fight, or we die!”

End of part two







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