The Clever Hand

                                     The clever world, I’m in, is of my creation. Wise man once said life is what you make it. I fully believe in that and in turn have my world however see fit. My world was beautiful with nothing but my artworks. I escape through my memories, stories and my mind. In my beautiful mind was art, literature science and math along with music. It was in sync with the universe and it was the conductor. I was orchestrating the events of the world in a dance. The sky, the darkness and the light danced on top of the sky. All the creatures made sounds that were jamboree of tunes. Everything in the world sang to me and in the moments I felt peace
I am a wizard but human one. I have flaws but they are many but I still live. I live in an old wizard tower in Edinburgh which is invisible to the naked eye. This was the year of the dark ages. I found it hard to exist with the world around me So I stay hidden in the tower. Inside my home was a huge world of my own art all focused around my late wife and my dreams and aspirations poems and math that no one understood but a tough strong will person could.
My name is Loris Grill the great and powerful and in the last hundreds of years I have found myself doing nothing but the finer things. I drink wine and write stories. I drink wine and eat food that was made for a hearty warrior. I would eat full pigs and steak with mash potatoes and special spices only I could have. There was an emptiness inside of me. A sadness to my weak heart which had been broken for centuries. My late wife had die due to poisoning by The Clever Hand.
Weeks went by after my wife died during these weeks I hunted down all of them and killed the sacred order. I did not cure my sadness and depression and in doing so I caused more pain They hunted me down and beat me up and banished me from being in this land. So now I hide because the wizard that once knew me now claim to be my enemy. They all banished me from their kingdom. Murder was never meant to be weild for my personal gain, revenge was the problem and my fellow wizards did not want to be ascoisatd with me.
It was an average day when I heard a knock at the tower door. I didn’t answer it but when I later inspected the door which no one was able to see. I found a letter. It Read
“Dear Mighty Wizard,
I can see your tower and I want to talk.
Would you like to meet later? At noon? Have lunch?”
Loris was taken back by this, he took the letter in and read the rest it was morning when this happened. Some dust came out of the envelope. He coughed. It was sparkling dust. Given he’s a wizard but has been out of the loop for centuries. While some say that he didn’t care while other say he was dumb. Sometimes in pain, you do things you regret.
His tower was called mages port. It was a blue tower and white tower. It was more of a watch tower than anything. It was masterfully built and had a couple windows. It had oak wooden doors. The tower had incantations and spells written all over it but not on the door The door was pure oak that was perfectly stained. it had door handle that was elegant. It had two dragons one blue one red and if you touched them they would light up. The red dragon was on one side of the door handle and it came to life when you touche3d it becoming a red dragon with glowing eyes. The same for the blue dragon it would light up blue and glow white light through its eyes also.
He shut the door and walked up the stairs. Music was playing, stained glass portraits where floating around him. He smile and clapped in the aww and prettiness of these works he created. Dust from the sparkles that he kept in his pocket made a map of the sky. It glowed light and bright it was. It was magnificent!! Loris felt joy over his math that he was thinking over. Spells that were being created in his head and above the completeness of knowing that he was great. That he was something more than himself and he had his works to prove it. The great and powerful Loris. There was no end to the symphony of art and science going on in his head and maybe just a tab of magic.
Loris was a wizard that wore blue robes one day then changed to Red the next day. On occasion he would wear white but only because of his wife was a white mage. She devoted her life to healing others. He tried to not think about her but he would have random spouts of crying then he would turn to tiny star trapped under special made vase that lay upside down and keeps the star within it.
Whenever loris felt the mourning of his wife he would look directly into the star and instantly remember dancing with his beautiful wife. Even having a pinic together. Sharing knowledge together. Enjoying books to read to each other. And at last comforting each other with a warm touch and stroke of the hand or leg. He’d lose himself in all of this and have no care in the world. No nightmares, no headaches just him and his art. He indulged himself in everything.
He didn’t meet up with this lady that left the note on his door so again around noon he heard a knocking. Knock, knock. About this time Loris realized she had the upper hand and she knew where his tower was. He walked downstairs. He slowly opened the door.
“What do you want?!” Loris asked
“I want inn…” She said.
This lady had blue eyes and tan skin. She was a jewel. A quick wit and charming tounge She was wearing a beige dress and had matching slippers. She carried a brown knapsack and she was short while loris wa stall.
When he gazed into her eyes he felt like he was in love. He felt the nervousness of love and the urgency of it all. In turn he did not know that the dust he inhaled was magic dust that bewitched him to fall in love.
He got caught in a pause while looking into her eyes…
“Can I come in?”
It was like he was hypnotize into letting her in. She tell him her name and it was Allison Cetus Rae. They got to know each other. And of course Loris showed Allison around and she loved the tower.
They soon started dating and became an item. She wqas sweet and charming. She was also a little devilish. The dust had infected loris mind. He was hooked.
He values his talents and his mind because it gave him peace through the chaos of music and noise in his head. It was like constant sunshine for him, an escape that let him forgot all his issues. His mind was more valuable than his body.
After three weeks he start to come to but by then she had his grips on his tower. She had control of his mind. The first move was made by her. Little did he know-that she was working for the clever hand. She was a beast, a fallen human which had turned into a horned monster. He sat at his whitening table next to the star he trapped. She took away his magic abilities then kissed him on his forehead which woke him up immediately In absolute horror he watched the wicked beast destroy all of his creations one by one.
Loris panic’d. He yelled bloody murder but she didn’t stop there she destroy the music and released the star. It went back to where it belong. All his paintings. All his writing. Every ounce of his life that he had in this tower was burned with prejudice. Loris started crying. No don’t, he said. He couldn’t even cast a spell.
When she was done destroying everything he indulged in she took his memories away from him and all his talents. Along with every single voice in his head. She then started pull his hair out and mark his skin when there was no hair left with the brander that was read hot. This mark was the mark of the clever hand. She also walked out and left a card next to him and she walked out saying “That’s karma for ya!” she winked at him once.
He felt as though his brain was crushed like a bug. The room was quiet and he felt like he just got lobotomized by a foul cruel monster that was of the wickedest nature. He sat there in the dark for three more weeks.
One more day and he was found by his fellow wizard. He has no memory of them but they took him in. Took him far away from the tower into a land of paradise. Loris spend his days recovering. The council of wizards took their forces and hunted down every remnants of the clever hand… But like terrorist they couldn’t never be completely eradicated.
Eventually they forgave Loris and Loris soon regained most of his abilities. They still love loris as a fellow wizard but they tried to avoid war. Loris get better slowly and soon he remember all his spell and regain his powers back. He sat down with his fellow wizards and told him that he was retiring from magic. He had fallen in love with another girl and spent the rest of his years in paradise, like the ocean and the beach. He completely forgot about his late wife and in turn, He became the happiest man ever. As for Allison she was kill and buried. The clever hand went into hiding and were never seen again. Everything turned out good and this was the end of a legend, Loris the great and powerful.
The end

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